Affiliated Members

(in alphabetical order)

Adeyemi Adeleye

Adeyemi Adeleye

Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

My research focuses on improving water sustainability by investigating  emerging pollutants in the environment and developing novel technologies for water treatment and pollution remediation in different environmental compartments.

Maura Allaire

Maura Allaire

Assistant Professor, Urban Planning and Public Policy

With expertise in water economics and spatial statistics, Maura Allaire’s research focuses on assessing equity in drinking water quality and decision support for water resource management. 

Scott Bartell

Scott Bartell

Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health

My research interest is environmental health methodology, including exposure assessment, environmental epidemiology, and risk analysis. Much of my work centers on quantifying human exposures and health effects of per- and polyflouroalkyl substances (PFAS) in contaminated communites.

Dawn Bounds

Dawn Bounds

Assistant Professor, Nursing

My research broadly focuses on risk and resilience of adolescents with socially complex needs, trauma-informed integrative care, and the development of community-based family interventions.

Jaih Craddock

Jaih Craddock

Assistant Professor, Family Medicine

My research leverages social networks and network dynamics to decrease new HIV incidences among at-risk populations, and she is engaging young Black adults in the development and testing of a mHealth-based HIV preventive intervention for young Black adults.

Russ Detwiler

Russ Detwiler

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

My research focuses on fluid flow processes which is critical for understanding the impact of a broad range of current environmental challenges including remediation of groundwater contaminants and nuclear waste isolation.

Kim Fortun

Kim Fortun

Professor, Anthropology

My research examines the historical development of environmental health science and policy, cultural dimensions of environmental risk and governance, and factors that contribute to disaster vulnerability.

Marnie Granados

Marnie Granados

General Pediatrician, CHOC Medical Group

My area of interest is environmental health, with an emphasis on the health effects of climate change on children and other groups experiencing disproportionate impact.

Cindy Haq

Cindy Haq

Clinical Professor and Chair, Family Medicine

My research promotes health equity, community engagement and primary health care. UCI Family Medicine cares for patients in the context of their family, community, and environment. We consider biopsychosocial factors that influence treatment, outcomes and inequities.

Shakira Hobbs

Shakira Hobbs

Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

My research focuses on global sustainability, resource recovery from anthropogenic waste, and life cycle thinking applied to engineering equity at the food-energy-water nexus.

Suellen Hopfer

Suellen Hopfer

Assistant Professor, Health, Society, and Behavior

My research interests involve communicating climate sensitive health impacts in community settings. and designing curricula and community or social media interventions for improved health outcomes and for policy initiatives.

Doug Houston

Doug Houston

Associate Professor, Urban Planning and Public Policy

My research investigates how urban development patterns intersect with neighborhood livability and environmental quality, including environmental disparities and injustice, time-activity and air pollution exposure monitoring in low SES communities of color, and knowledge and perceptions of environmental hazards.

Sunny Jiang

Sunny Jiang

Professor and Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering

My research interests include investigating the water quality disparities in disadvantaged communities and the health risk associated with exposure to poor water quality.

Cynthia Lakon

Cynthia Lakon

Associate Professor and Chair, Health, Society, and Behavior

My research examines theoretical mechanisms through which social networks relate to health and health behavior, including social influence and social support, with an emphasis on adolescent social networks and drug use behaviors, in addition to ecological and systems models of health behavior.

Alana LeBrón

Alana LeBrón

Assistant Professor, Health, Society, & Behavior and Chicano/Latino Studies

My research leverages community-based participatory approaches to understand and address the contribution of environmental and other interconnected forms of racism to health inequities affecting low-income communities of color, including Latina/o/x communities. 


Karen Lincoln

Karen Lincoln

Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health

My work highlights societal and social factors that contribute to health disparities. My research, writing and advocacy are rooted in the African American experience and across the fields of social work, sociology, and gerontology.

Candice Taylor Lucas

Candice Taylor Lucas

HS Associate Clinical Professor, Pediatrics

My research broadly focuses on early life physical activity, childhood obesity prevention, and maternal-child health. My work focuses on developing interdisciplinary curricula addressing the intersections of Anti-Black racism, health inequities, and BIPOC trainee experiences in health professions.

Brittany Morey

Brittany Morey

Assistant Professor, Health, Society, and Behavior

My research focuses on how structural inequity shapes racial and ethnic health inequities. Much of this work focuses on how neighborhood social and physical environments contribute to health disparities, especially for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

Christopher Olivares

Christopher Olivares

Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

My research focuses on interactions between microorganisms, organic pollutants, and extreme weather events to build equitable and robust remediation and contaminant monitoring strategies in water and soil.

Abigail Reyes

Abigail Reyes

Director, Community Resilience Projects

Our projects foster community-driven academic partnerships that honor and build community and climate resilience.

David Richardson

David Richardson

Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health

My research focuses on the health effects of occupational and environmental exposures. Many of my projects have been initiated in response to concerns of disadvantaged communities or labor groups about potentially hazardous environmental or occupational exposures.

Diego Rosso

Diego Rosso

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

My research centers at the nexus of water and energy, with emphasis on the processes for water reclamation and reuse. 

Miryha Gould Runnerstrom

Miryha Gould Runnerstrom

Associate Professor of Teaching, Health, Society & Behavior

My research focuses on climate change and health, access to greenspace and health, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Sora Park Tanjasiri

Sora Park Tanjasiri

Professor, Epidemiology

My interest is in community-based participatory research approaches to understand, prevent and/or ameliorate cancer health disparities among ethnic/racial populations in Southern California.

Verónica Vieira

Verónica Vieira

Professor and Chair, Environmental and Occupational Health

My research involves epidemiologic analyses of health data for examining disparities related to environmental exposures and their contribution to the geographic pattern of disease risk.

Cheryl Wisseh

Cheryl Wisseh

Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy Practice

My research interests include the effects of structural inequity on social, political and environmental determinants of health and subsequently, chronic disease morbidity. My research mainly focuses on the role of pharmacists and pharmacy services in reducing racial and ethnic health disparities and aims to improve the health and wellness outcomes of racially and ethnically minoritized populations through collaborative interdisciplinary services and programs.

Ursula Worsham

Ursula Worsham

Diversity Officer and Executive Director, Division of Student Support, School of Medicine

My interest is in developing and implementing strategic initiatives that support the recruitment, retention, advancement and long-term success of academic leaders and learners whose backgrounds reflect the rich ethnic and cultural diversity that embodies our commitment to inclusive excellence.

Jun Wu

Jun Wu

Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health

My research focuses on environmental exposure assessment, environmental epidemiology, and environmental health disparity/environmental justice.

Salvador Zárate

Salvador Zárate

Assistant Professor, Anthropology

My research as a cultural anthropologist focuses on the social life of racialized workers within service and affective economies as well as in ecological extractive industries.