Student Advisory Board

(in alphabetical order)

Ashley Green

Ashley Green

PhD student Civil and Environmental Engineering

I am interested in improving pathogen detection and removal techniques for the advancement of water reuse practices to create more water security. Water resource management interests me because of the opportunities to engage with the public, create more equitable water access, and participate in the public policy process.

Alexis Guerra

Alexis Guerra

Environmental and Occupational Health | Faculty Advisor: Sunny Jiang

My research interests focus on coastal ocean microbiomes and water quality along urban communities. My goals are to identify how microbial pathogens carried by human waste flowing to the ocean affect the health of microbiomes, coastal ecosystems, and, ultimately, human communities.

Neda Ibrahim

Undergraduate student Environmental Science and Policy

Annika Hjelmsted

Annika Hjelmsted

PhD Student Civil and Environmental Engineering

My current research focuses on impact-based climate change attribution that directly maps increases in human emissions to felt impacts such as mortality and infrastructure damage. My research interests include stochastic hydrology, urban flooding, climate change, climate extremes, computation, and the intersections of science with policy.

Alyssa Romea

Alyssa Romea

Major in Political science, Environmental science & Policy

With my studies, I hope to build a career working at the nexus of sustainability, justice, and liberation. My focus will be on policy analysis, seeking systemic change in American culture and institutions.

Tim Schütz

Tim Schütz

PhD Student, Anthropology

My research focuses on how communities use digital data and infrastructure to effectively address entangled economic, environmental and public health challenges. I co-develop the Formosa Plastics Global Archive, a digital collection that documents environmental pollution by one of the world’s largest petrochemical companies, operating in Taiwan, Vietnam, Louisiana, and Texas.

Anika Tasnim

Undergraduate student majoring in Business Information Management

Karen Valladares

PhD student in Environmental Health Sciences