Advocacy & Policy

Take action nationally!

The Elder Justice Roadmap Project Report sponsored by the US Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services reflects input from stakeholders around the country.  We encourage you to review this report’s findings on how to advance efforts against elder abuse, neglect and financial exploitation.

Take action in California!

Read our 2013 Elder Abuse Issue Brief written to educate California legislators about elder abuse, related policy recommendations and proposed legislation.  Feel free to download and share with others to educate them about elder abuse policy issues. Let California legislators know your opinions!

Take action in your community!

Anyone can act to improve the safety of elders in their community and raise awareness about the problem of elder abuse.  Here are some ideas.

Downloadable Materials For Raising Awareness About Elder Abuse And Neglect

  • Printable “Imagine A World Without Elder Abuse” Posters

 You are welcome to download these PDF files to print and distribute these posters.

These files require Adobe Reader.

National Associations and Advocacy Organizations

California Associations and Advocacy Organizations