Elder Abuse Training

The Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglect is devoted to training professionals from the medical community, legal community, law enforcement, social services and government agencies about all aspects of elder abuse, including: detection, reporting, investigating, prosecuting, caring for victims and prevention.

Additionally, the Center goes beyond existing educational programs on elder abuse by offering multidisciplinary team training that addresses how to work effectively with other agencies, how to conduct abuse assessments and how to investigate complex cases of abuse.

The institute was established by a grant from UniHealth Foundation. Training activities are now funded through organizational partnerships, as well as fees for tailor-made curricula and events.


We tailor our trainings for each audience so that professionals who are new to the field, as well as those who are intermediate or advanced, may build on their knowledge and skills.

Download our printable Training Institute flyer (PDF) on customized training packages. If you are requesting training, we will provide you with fee costs.


With a variety of partners, we’ve developed training packages for use by instructors of diverse audiences, including:

Nursing Students — “An Introduction to Elder Abuse for Undergraduate Nursing Students” includes slides for a one-hour presentation, scenarios for discussion, independent exercises for students, handouts and more. Developed in partnership with the UC Irvine Sue and Bill Gross School of Nursing.

Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students (Reaching Important Gatekeepers-Training Pharmacists About Elder Abuse) — with USC School of Pharmacy, supported by Kaiser Permanente Southern California Region Community Benefit and UniHealth Foundation Click Here

Home Health Aides and Certified Nursing Assistants (Strengthening Communication with Family Members) — with Coastline Community College supported by The SCAN Foundation as part of its Direct Care Workforce Initiative https://www.leadingageca.org/direct-care-workforce-curricula 

State Judicial Educators — (Elder Abuse Curriculum for State Judicial Educators) a project of National Center for States Courts, Center for Elders and the Courts with support from Retirement Research Foundation of Chicago http://www.eldersandcourts.org/training/elder-abuse-curriculum


To download the following presentations in PDF format, Adobe Reader software is required.

Handouts »

Handouts from Center of Excellence conferences, training sessions and other presentations include the following: (To download presentations in PDF format, Adobe Reader software is required.  For information on Adobe Reader software, visit http://www.adobe.com/products/reader.)

Tip Sheet on Preventing Elder Abuse and Neglect (webpage): Developed for the American Geriatrics Society Foundation for Health in Aging

“Red Flags of Elder Abuse” (PDF)

Protect Yourself From Elder Abuse (PDF)

Research Briefs (PDF)

Things You Can Do To Prevent Elder Abuse 

Why Should I Care About Elder Abuse?

“Reaching Important Gatekeepers: Training Pharmacists about Elder Abuse” 

The Center of Excellence partnered with several Orange County agencies to present a free one-day workshop on Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults and People with Disabilities.

Videos »

Visit our YouTube Channel

Elder abuse lectures on UCTV: Lectures on Forensic Markers of Elder Abuse (for professionals who work with older adults) and Elder Abuse (for general audiences) by Laura Mosqueda, M.D, are featured as part of the “Coming of Age” lecture series produced by UCTV.

Access the UCTV online lectures via YouTube 

These lectures may be used by others in the field as long as they are not altered and UC Irvine Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse & Neglect (or UC Irvine Program in Geriatrics) is given attribution.

Download PowerPoint slides from the lectures

Pharmacy-Based Scenarios Reaching Important Gatekeepers: Training Pharmacists about Elder Abuse” 

Center of Excellence Webinars »

This webinar series is made possible by a grant from the Archstone Foundation

California Innovative Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Practices Webinar (Feb. 21, 2013)

  •  “Ombudsman and Long-Term Care Facilities – Preparing for Emergency Situations” by Karen Jones, Long-Term Care Ombudsman Services of San Luis Obispo County
  •  “Ombudsman Response to Unlicensed Residential Facilities” by Molly Davies, MSW, WISE & Healthy Aging Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, Los Angeles County

Stopping Elder Financial Abuse: from the December 2011 webinar, hosted by the Center of Excellence and presented by Shawna Reeves, MSW and Julie Schoen, Esq.

(Visit here for materials, the recording and additional resources)

Course Materials by Others »

Elder Abuse Curriculum for State Judicial Educators

The National Center for State Courts partnered with Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglect on this project and we are grateful for the support provided by the Retirement Research Foundation of Chicago.

The curriculum is broken into three compact modules.

  • Module 1 discusses the physiology of aging
  • Module 2 offers information on how to identify elder abuse and neglect
  • Module 3 focuses on crafting court responses

Given the limited amount of training time available for the judiciary, we developed the program so that each module can be delivered separately, and the entire curriculum can be presented in 3-1/2 hours. 

While the curriculum is designed for state judicial educators, we invite everyone to use the information that may be relevant to your audience.  We simply ask that you let us know if you use any part of the curriculum. Visit the Center for Elders and the Courts website to download the materials and access handy tools including a U.S. map with links to pertinent state laws.


The Academy on Violence and Abuse, an academic organization of healthcare professionals, provides a variety of training materials for healthcare audiences.  Visit http://avahealth.org and click on Resources.

Online Course – “Home Visits: Elder Abuse”: This course was produced by Johns Hopkins Medicine as part of the Internet Learning Center Internal Medicine Curriculum.  Written by Karran A. Phillips M.D., M.Sc., this online module introduces critical learning points for the clinician with realistic case studies.

Directions for course registration:

1. Visit www.hopkinsilc.org

2. Register as a new user for the Internal Medicine curriculum as a member of the Demonstration Group

3. After registration approval (which is free), you can log on and complete the Elder Abuse module (as well as other content)

4. Training programs may apply to register and use the Hopkins Internal Medicine Curriculum

“Asking the Difficult Question” Series features critical issues facing health professionals providing guidance and care for older adults, including “Assessing Elder Abuse in the Clinical Setting.” Videos highlighting these topics have been produced which will assist health professionals, health professions faculty & students to address these critical issues.  These videos will be available through our online courses.  Elder Abuse and Advance Directives companion online courses are also available to complement the videos.

The Special Initiative Project “Asking the Difficult Question” Series was produced by the University of New England Maine Geriatric Education Center which is funded by the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) Grant Number 31HP08845.https://www.une.edu/mainegec

APSWI (Adult Protective Services Workforce Innovations) is a training program of the Academy for Professional Excellence, a project of the San Diego State University School of Social Work.

APSWI provides innovative workforce development to APS professionals and their partners. Our mission is to provide exceptional learning and development experiences for the transformation of individuals, organizations, and communities to ensure that abused and vulnerable older adults and adults with disabilities receive high quality, effective interventions and services.

For descriptions of available trainings, visit https://theacademy.sdsu.edu/programs/apswi/

Webinar Series– “Undue Influence & Elder Financial Abuse”

CaseSoft® – a division of LexisNexis® – has joined with Dr. Bennett Blum, M.D. to produce a series of free webinars on the topic of undue influence. 


Registration is required

Elder Abuse Training Contact Information »

If you have inquiries about the Elder Abuse training, or if you have additional resources to share, please contact us at centeronelderabuse@uci.edu with your request or suggestion, with your name and contact information.