- F. Nouizi, J. Brooks, D. M. Zuro, S. K. Hui, G. Gulsen, Development of a Theranostic Preclinical Fluorescence Molecular Tomography/Cone Beam CT-Guided Irradiator Platform, Biomedical Optics Express, 13 (11), 6100-6112 (2022).
- F. Nouizi, H. Erkol, D. Nikkah, T.C. Kwong, G. Gulsen, Development of a preclinical CCD-based temperature modulated fluorescence tomography platform, Biomedical Optics Express, 13 (11), 5740-5752 (2022).
- F. Nouizi, J. Cho, M. Algarawi, C.S. Kim, G. Gulsen, Application of a wavelength-swept laser for spectrally resolved wide-field near-infrared fluorescence imaging, Optics Continuum 1(8), 1768-1776, (2022).
- A. Eresen, K. Zhou, C. Sun, J. Shangguan, B. Wang, L. Pan, S. Hu, Y. Pang, Z. Zhang, R.M.N. Tran, A.P Bhatia, F. Nouizi, N. Abi-Jaoudeh, V. Yaghmai, Z. Zhang, Early assessment of irreversible electroporation ablation outcomes by analyzing MRI texture: preclinical study in an animal model of liver tumor, American journal of translational research, 14 (8), 5541-5551, (2022).
- F. Nouizi, M. Algarawi, H. Erkol, A. Luk, G. Gulsen, Multiwavelength photo-magnetic imaging algorithm improved for direct chromophore concentration recovery using spectral constraints, Applied Optics 60 (35), 10855-10861, (2021).
- M. Algarawi, H. Erkol, A. Luk, S. Ha, M.B. Unlu, G. Gulsen, F. Nouizi, Multi-wavelength Photo-Magnetic Imaging System for Photothermal Therapy Guidance, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, (2021).
- F. Nouizi, J. Brooks, D. M. Zuro, S. S. Madabushi, D. Moreira, M. Kortylewski, J. Froelich, L. M. Su, G. Gulsen, S. K. Hui, Automated in vivo Assessment of Vascular Response to Radiation using a Hybrid Theranostic X-ray Irradiator/Fluorescence Molecular Imaging System, IEEE Access 8(1), 93663-93670 (2020).
- H. Erkol, Z. Yelken, M. Algarawi, G. Gulsen, F. Nouizi, Validation of a comprehensive analytical model for photothermal therapy planning in a layered medium with gold nanoparticles, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 163, 120438 (2020).
- M. Algarawi, H. Erkol, A. Luk, M.B. Unlu, G. Gulsen, F. Nouizi, Resolving tissue chromophore concentration at MRI resolution using multi-wavelength Photo-Magnetic Imaging, Biomedical Optics Express, 11(8), 4244-4254 (2020).
- E. Mikhaylova#, J. Brooks#, D. Zuro#, F. Nouizi#, M. Kujawski, S. S. Madabushi, J. Qi, M. Zhang, J. Chea, E. K. Poku, N. Bowles, J. Y. C. Wong, J. E. Shively, P. J. Yazaki, G. Gulsen, S. R. Cherry, S. Hui, “Prototype Small-Animal PET-CT Imaging System for Image-guided Radiation Therapy”, IEEE Access 7, 143207-143216 (2019). (# multiple 1st Author)
- Aude I Segaliny, Jason L Cheng, Henry P Farhoodi, Michael Toledano, Chih Chun Yu, Beatrice Tierra, Leanne Hildebrand, Linan Liu, Michael J Liao, Jaedu Cho, Dongxu Liu, Lizhi Sun, Gultekin Gulsen, Min-Ying Su, Robert L Sah, Weian Zhaom, Combinatorial targeting of cancer bone metastasis using mRNA engineered stem cells, EBioMedicine 45, 39-57, (2019)
- N Uluc, MB Unlu, G Gulsen, H Erkol, Extended photoacoustic transport model for characterization of red blood cell morphology in microchannel flow, Biomedical Optics Express 9 (6), 2785-2809, (2018)
- F. Nouizi, T. C. Kwong, J. Ruiz, J. Cho, Y. Chan, K. Ikemura, H. Erkol, U. Sampathkumaran, G. Gulsen, A thermo-sensitive fluorescent agent based method for excitation light leakage rejection for fluorescence molecular tomography, Physics in medicine and biology, 64(3), 035007 -035018 (2018).
- H Jang, G Lim, KS Hong, J Cho, G Gulsen, CS Kim, Effect of shot noise on simultaneous sensing in frequency division multiplexed diffuse optical tomographic imaging process, Sensors 17 (12), 2752, (2017)
- A. T. Luk, F. Nouizi, H. Erkol, M. B. Unlu, G. Gulsen, ex vivo Validation of Photo-Magnetic Imaging, Optics Letters, 42 (20), 4171-4174 (2017).
- T.C. Kwong, F. Nouizi, J. Cho, Y. Lin, U. Sampathkumaran, G. Gulsen, Feasibility study of high spatial resolution multimodality fluorescence tomography in ex vivo biological tissue, Applied Optics, 56(28), 7886-7891 (2017).
- J. Ruiz, F. Nouizi, J. Cho, J. Zheng, Y. Li, J. Chen, M. Su, G. Gulsen, Breast density quantification using structured-light based diffuse optical tomography simulations, Applied Optics, 56(25), 7146-7157 (2017).
- Jie Zheng, Kristopher L Anderson, Stephanie L Leal, Avgusta Shestyuk, Gultekin Gulsen, Lilit Mnatsakanyan, Sumeet Vadera, Frank PK Hsu, Michael A Yassa, Robert T Knight, Jack J Lin, Amygdala-hippocampal dynamics during salient information processing, Nature communications 8 (1), 14413, (2017)
- T.C. Kwong, F. Nouizi, Y. Lin, J. Cho, Y. Zhu, U. Sampathkumaran, G. Gulsen, Experimental Evaluation of the Resolution and Quantitative Accuracy of Temperature-Modulated Fluorescence Tomography, Applied Optics, 56(3), 521-529 (2017).
- F. Nouizi, H. Erkol, A. Luk, M. Marks, M.B. Unlu, G. Gulsen, An accelerated photo-magnetic imaging reconstruction algorithm based on an analytical forward solution and a fast Jacobian assembly method, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 61(20), 7448 (2016).
- F. Nouizi, H. Erkol, A. Luk, M.B. Unlu, G. Gulsen, Real-time photo-magnetic imaging. Biomedical Optics Express, 7(10), 3899-3904 (2016).
- F. Nouizi, A. Luk, D. Thayer, Y. Lin, S. Ha, G. Gulsen, Experimental validation of a high-resolution diffuse optical imaging modality: photomagnetic imaging, Journal of biomedical optics, 21(1), 016009-016009 (2016).
- H. Erkol, F. Nouizi, A. Luk, M.B. Unlu, G. Gulsen, Comprehensive analytical model for CW laser induced heat in turbid media, Optics express, 23(24), 31069-31084 (2015).
- F. Nouizi, T.C. Kwong, J. Cho, Y. Lin, U. Sampathkumaran, G. Gulsen, Implementation of a new scanning method for high-resolution fluorescence tomography using thermo-sensitive fluorescent agents, Optics letters, 40(21), 4991-4994 (2015).
- Y. Lin, F. Nouizi, T.C. Kwong, G. Gulsen, Simulation-Based Evaluation of the Resolution and Quantitative Accuracy of Temperature-Modulated Fluorescence Tomography, Applied optics 54 (25), 7612-7621 (2015).
- H. Erkol, F. Nouizi, M.B. Unlu, G. Gulsen, An extended analytical approach for diffuse optical imaging, Physics in medicine and biology, 60 (13), 5103 (2015).
- F Nouizi, H Erkol, D Nikkhah, TC Kwong, G Gulsen, A continuous line scanning method for fast temperature modulated fluorescence tomography, Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue XV, PC123760Q, (2023)
- F Nouizi, M Algarawi, H Erkol, G Gulsen, Multiwavelength photo-magnetic imaging: a novel high-resolution optical molecular imaging modality, Multimodal Biomedical Imaging XVIII, PC1237109, (2023)
- F Nouizi, A Eresen, Z Zhang, V Yaghmai, G Gulsen, Longitudinal Monitoring of Irreversible Electroporation Outcomes Using Hybrid Functional/Structural Variations of HCC Microenvironment, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 34 (3), S7, (2023)
- A Eresen, Z Zhang, Z Yu, N Abi-Jaoudeh, F Nouizi, V Yaghmai, MRI Monitoring Transcatheter Intraportal Vein Delivery of Clinically Applicable-Magnetic Labeled Natural Killer Cells for Liver Tumor Adoptive immunotherapy, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 34 (3), S112, (2023)
- Z Yu, Z Zhang, J Tan, Q Hou, F Nouizi, V Yaghmai, A Eresen, Quantitative MRI Texture Analysis for Evaluating Treatment Response Following Irreversible Electroporation Ablation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 34 (3), S82, (2023)
- F. Nouizi, A. Moy, W. Moy, G. Gulsen, Comparison of Fluorescence and Bioluminescence Imaging Using iRFP & Luciferase Labeled 4T1 Breast Cancer Model, Optica BioMed, (2022).
- F. Nouizi, J. Brooks, D. M. Zuro, S. K. Hui, G. Gulsen, Theranostic Fluorescence Tomography -Guided Small Animal X-ray Irradiator Platform: System Development and Validation, Optica BioMed, (2022).
- D. Nikkhah, F. Nouizi, R. Hurtado, P. Tabatabaei, G. Gulsen, Temperature Modulated Fluorescence Tomography Feasibility Using an Intensified CCD Camera, Optica BioMed, (2022).
- Y. Zhang, F. Nouizi, N. Lang, X. Xing, Y. Chen, Q. Wang, E. Zhang, H. Yuan, K. Nie, L. M. Su, Deep Learning Approaches Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Generate Synthetic CT from Spinal MRI for Radiotherapy Planning, ISMRM, 3414, (2022).
- A. Eresen, C. Sun, K. Zhou, J. Shangguan, B. Wang, L. Pan, S. Hu, R.M.N. Tran, Q. Ma, J. Yang, F. Nouizi, N. Abi-Jaoudeh, Z. Zhang, and V. Yaghmai, Correlation of Histological Tumor Biomarkers with Multivariable MRI Texture Model, Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Conference (2022).
- F. Nouizi, M. Algarawi, H. Erkol, A. Luk, G. Gulsen, Photo‐magnetic imaging: a new functional imaging modality for more accurate photothermal therapy planning, SPIE Bios 1194006 (2022).
- F. Nouizi, J. Brooks, D. Zurro, S. K. Hui, G. Gulsen, Implementation of a combined theranostic x-ray irradiator/fluorescence imaging system for automatic assessment of tumor vascular response to radiation therapy, SPIE Bios 1194405 (2022).
- M. Algarawi, F. Nouizi, A. Luk, H. Erkol, M. Almudhry, M. B. Unlu, S. Ha, G. Gulsen, Experimental validation of a multiple wavelength Photo-Magnetic Imaging system, OSA BioMed, STh3D.3 (2020).
- M. Algarawi, A. Luk, H. Erkol, M. Almudhry, M. B. Unlu, G. Gulsen, F. Nouizi, Reconstruction chromophore concentration directly by PhotoMagnetic Imaging: simulation study, OSA BioMed, JTu3A.15 (2020).
- M. Mehrabi, F Nouizi, M. Algarawi, T. C. Kwong, H. Erkol, U. Sampathkumaran, and G. Gulsen, CCD-based temperature modulated fluorescence tomography, SPIE BiOS, 10874, 108740Y (2019)
- M. Algarawi, F. Nouizi, A. Luk, M. Mehrabi, H. Erkol, S. Ha, M. B. Unlu, G. Gulsen, High-resolution chromophore concentration recovery using multi-wavelength photo-magnetic imaging, SPIE BiOS, 10871, 108710F (2019).
- K. Ikemura, F. Nouizi, Convolutional Neural Network to Classify Histological Images: Idea on How to Increase Sample Size, Laboratory Investigation, 98 (Nature Pathology, Vol 31, suppl 1), (2018).
- F. Nouizi, H. Erkol, M. Algarawi, M. Mehrabi, G. Gulsen, Multi-wavelengths Photo Magnetic Imaging, OSA BioMed, JW3A. 45 (2018).
- H. Erkol. F. Nouizi, M. Mehrabi, M. Algarawi, B. Unlu, G. Gulsen, A Comprehensive Analytical Based Computational Technique for Laser Induced Heat in a Gold Nano-particle Embedded Turbid Medium, OSA BioMed, JTh3A. 16 (2018).
- P.A. Lo, J. Cho, F. Nouizi, H.K. Chiang, G. Gulsen, Multispectral fluorescence diffuse optical tomography, SPIE BiOS, 10056, 100560Z-1 (2017).
- F. Nouizi, A. Luk, M. Marks, J. Cho, S. Ha, H. Erkol, J. Kwong, G. Gulsen, Multi-wavelength photomagnetic imaging for breast cancer, Invited talk at SPIE BiOS, 10059-40 (2017).
- H. Erkol, F. Nouizi, A. Luk, M.B. Unlu, G. Gulsen, A new analytical approach for heat generation in tissue due to laser excitation, SPIE BiOS, 97060L (2016).
- F. Nouizi, H. Erkol, A. Luk, Y. Lin, G. Gulsen, Analytical Photo Magnetic Imaging, OSA BioMed, OW4D-7 (2016).
- H. Erkol, F. Nouizi, A. Luk, M.B. Unlu, G. Gulsen, An Analytical Approach for Temperature Distribution in Tissue, OSA BioMed, JW3A-12 (2016).
- T.C. Kwong, P.A. Lo, J. Cho, F. Nouizi, H.K. Chiang, C.S. Kim, G. Gulsen, Multi-wavelength fluorescence tomography. SPIE BiOS, 97001A (2016).
- A.T. Luk, F. Nouizi, M. Marks, T. Kart, G. Gulsen, Monitoring gold nanoparticle distribution with high resolution using photo-magnetic imaging, SPIE BiOS, 97060M (2016).
- T.C. Kwong, F. Nouizi, Y. Lin, Y. Zhu, U. Sampathkumaran, G. Gulsen, Thermal outlining using focused ultrasound (TOFU) with reversible temperature sensitive fluorescent probes, SPIE BiOS, 97010 (2016).
- J. Kwong, F. Nouizi, J. Cho, J. Zheng, Y. Li, J.H. Chen, M.Y. Su, G. Gulsen, Diffuse optical tomography with structured-light patterns to quantify breast density, SPIE BiOS, 968942 (2016).
- J. Zheng, F. Nouizi, J. Cho, J. Kwong, G. Gulsen, High resolution 3D fluorescence tomography using ballistic photons, SPIE BiOS, 93191V-93191V-5 (2015).
- F. Nouizi, T.C. Kwong, J. Kwong, J. Cho, Y. Chan, U. Sampathkumaran, Y. Zhu, M.M. Alam, G. Gulsen, Excitation light leakage suppression using temperature sensitive fluorescent agents, SPIE BiOS, 93190Y-93190Y-5 (2015).
- T.C. Kwong, F. Nouizi, U. Sampathkumaran, Y. Zhu, M.M. Alam, G. Gulsen, Activatable thermo-sensitive ICG encapsulated pluronic nanocapsules for temperature sensitive fluorescence tomography, SPIE BiOS, 93390C-6 (2015).
- J. Kwong, F. Nouizi, J. Cho, J. Zheng, Y. Li, J. Chen, M.Y. Su, G. Gulsen , Diffuse optical imaging of the breast using structured-light, SPIE BiOS, 93190K-5 (2015).
- F. Nouizi, J. Cho, A. Luk, E. Anashkin, P. Stepanov, V. Zavarzin, I. Weinberg, M.Y. Su, G. Gulsen, O. Nalcioglu, Hybrid PEM/MRI, a new approach for high resolution breast imaging, ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada ( 2015).
- A. Luk, S. Ha, F. Nouizi, D. Thayer, Y. Lin, G. Gulsen , A true multi-modality approach for high resolution optical imaging: photo-magnetic imaging, SPIE BiOS, 89370G-7 (2014).
- T.C. Kwong, F. Nouizi, Y. Lin, R. Rajyaguru, T. Nguyen, L. Alptekin, U. Sampathkumaran, Y. Zhu, S. Ahmed, G. Gulsen, Validation of temperature-modulated fluorescence tomography in vivo, SPIE BiOS, 89370H-7 (2014).
- J. Kwong, F. Nouizi, Y. Li, J.H. Chen, M.Y. Su, G. Gulsen , Simulation of optical breast density measurements using structured light illumination, SPIE BiOS, 893717-8 (2014).
- F. Nouizi, T. Kwong, Y. Lin, U. Sampathkumaran, A. Shaaz, and G. Gulsen, A combined HIFU-Fluorescence Tomography high-resolution imaging technique using temperature-modulated thermodots, OSA Optics in the life science, JW3B.8 (2013).
- T. C. Kwong, F. Nouizi, Y. Lin, U. Sampathkumaran, A. Shaaz, G. Gulsen, Temperature-modulated fluorescence tomography: modulating tissue temperature using HIFU for high-resolution in vivo fluorescence tomography, SPIE BiOS, 857405-8 (2013).
- A. Luk, D. Thayer, Y. Lin, F. Nouizi, H. Gao, G. Gulsen, A novel high-resolution optical imaging modality: photo-magnetic imaging, SPIE BiOS, 857404 (2013).
- T.C. Kwong, F. Nouizi, Y. Lin, U. Sampathkumaran, S. Ahmed, G. Gulsen, Temperature-modulated fluorescence tomography: modulating tissue temperature using HIFU for high-resolution in vivo fluorescence tomography. SPIE BiOS, 857405 (2013).
- “An Apparatus and Method for Quantitative Noncontact In Vivo Fluorescence Tomography Using a Priori Information”- Application # 61430036
- “Method and Apparatus for Photomagnetic Imaging”, – Application # 61550258
- “Temperature-modulated Fluorescence Tomography”- Application Number # 61577624
- “Multi-modal image-guided radiation system” – US Patent 11,607,184, (2023)