The UCI School of Physical Sciences established four Science Communication Fellowships in January 2020 to help propel the school’s mission to communicate its science effectively across a wide variety of arenas and platforms. Working under the direction of the Executive Director of Marketing & Communications, the PS SciComm Fellows will drive social media channels in the departments of Chemistry, Earth System Science, Mathematics, and Physics & Astronomy. Fellows will contribute to school and departmental social media presence through engaging posts, stories, and innovative multimedia approaches. Fellows should be immersed in departmental activities such as attending seminars and colloquiums, social events, student activities, meetings, and other events with the goal of obtaining story ideas. Daily duties include drafting original content for posts and developing engaging graphics, videos, or other visual elements to go along with the text. Fellows will meet regularly with the Executive Director of Marketing & Communications to discuss content and overall strategy for each department’s social media channels and other science communication initiatives. Fellows will also serve as members of their department’s communications committee and will attend regular meetings with the committee.
This is a call for graduate students to apply for the SciComm Fellowship. One fellow will be appointed and funded in each department. A total of ten hours per week is expected from each fellow, this is equivalent to 1/2 time appointment. Each fellowship will begin in Fall 2021 and may be renewed on a quarterly basis. This fellowship program will enhance the Physical Sciences Marketing & Communications Office and advance its mission to communicate the school’s research effectively to various audiences.
Interested graduate students should apply using the following Google Form by August 23, 2021: (NOTE: This is earlier than the listed Physical Sciences deadline.)
Questions regarding the fellow program expectations can be directed to Tatiana Arizaga, Executive Director of Marketing & Communications.