- Apply to be an SOP Intern! Are you looking for some internship experience? Do you want to know more about scholarships? If so, apply to be a Scholarship Opportunities Program Intern. You will work closely with over 34 different prestigious scholarships as well as gain experience in presentations, event planning, interviews, advising, etc. For more information and an application, please visit: http://www.scholars.uci.edu/documents/sopinternapp2009.doc
- Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship
If you can see yourself serving effectively as a goodwill ambassador overseas, apply for a Rotary Foundation International Ambassadorial Scholarship. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors in any field may apply to study abroad for one year in any country with a Rotary club.
To download an application, visit the Foundation’s website at: http://www.rotary.org/RIdocuments/en_pdf/139en.pdf. Deadlines vary by club; March 2 is the deadline by which application drafts and all supplementary materials (such as letters of recommendation, transcripts, etc.) must be received in the SOP office for the Newport-Irvine Rotary club.
3. 3. Big Workshops
Want to win a scholarship but don’t know enough about it? The SOP is holding its annual scholarship workshops. Learn from the experts how to become a stronger candidate for prestigious merit scholarships!
Wed., Feb. 11 – Arts, Humanities, Soc. Ecol. And Soc. Sci
Thu., Feb. 12 – Science, ICS, Engineering and Mathematics.
If you can’t attend the workshop designed for your major, come to the other event; you’ll learn helpful scholarship information and tips at both workshops.
Past student winners and faculty will present information, firsthand experiences, and tips on applying for scholarships such as the Fulbright, Marshall, USA Today, Strauss, Rotary, and the NIH. Workshops will be held from 5-6:30 p.m. In the Social Sciences Hall 100 (Lecture Hall) on 2/11 and Howard Schneiderman Lecture Hall 100 on 2/12. No need to RSVP!