When: 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years
This year the CHC introduced a new topic to Social Science Core, “Causation.” This is the topic for Fall 2020 and will be for Winter 2022 also. This means that students who begin with Social Science H1G in Fall 2020 MUST take Social Science H1F in Winter 2021 because they will not be able to take the course in Winter 2022 due to the topic repetition.
Current CHC sophomore or juniors who have already successfully completed Soc Sci H1G regardless of topic (including Naturalized Epistemology) and earned a passing grade in Soc Sci H1G, are ineligible to repeat Soc Sci H1G with the new Causation topic. Students who take Soc Sci H1G twice will be automatically issued an Unauthorized Repeat by the Registrar instead of a grade and are unable to use the second Soc Sci H1G class to count toward their CHC requirements.
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