Scholarship Winners: The SOP is thrilled to announce 2 CHP’ers who have recently won prestigious scholarships!
Congratulations CHP Fellowship Award Winners!
The CHP would like to congratulate five outstanding CHPers who have won the UCI Libraries-UROP Research Fellowship Award for their research.Be sure to congratulate them next time you see them!
Click here for more information on this Fellowship Award.
Faculty Appreciation Coffee Hour
Do you have a professor you would like to get to know better over coffee and doughnuts? Are you curious about different research areas? Then get ready for Faculty Appreciation Coffee Hour (5/18, Week 7)! Meet and socialize with the best UCI has to offer! We are also currently recruiting greeters for the event. If you are interested, please email with your name, major, year, and times that you are available to help out.
CHP Connections
An important opportunity for first and second years! Save the date for our annual CHP Connections program on Monday, May 21 from 5-7PM (Location TBA). It will be a great opportunity to connect with experienced upperclassmen and get advice on making the most of your time at UCI!
New PAA Spring Bonfire
Calling all CHP-ers! Come out and meet your 2012-2013 CHP PAAs at the Spring Bonfire on Sunday, May 20th from 3pm-6pm at Huntington Beach. For just $1, you can enjoy 3 amazing hours of delicious food and beach fun. Please sign up in the Honors office May 1st to May 15th and bring a dollar! And if you’re a transfer or commuter who is on the fence about joining us, your PAAs are also made up of commuters and transfers, and we’d like to get to know YOU! Hope to see all your lovely faces there!