Next quarter Earth Systems Science (ESS), H90 will be offered. The CHP office is aware of the course time conflict between the science core class and the social science core class. We are currently looking into the situation and more information will come in later editions of the CHP news.
Humanities Core
FRESHMAN Authorization codes for Honors Hum Core sections will be distributed in the CHP office beginning on Wednesday, February 22nd at 12:00 pm. You MUST come to the CHP office and swipe in wit your student ID to get your code. Please come prepared with a few preferences just in case we cannot give you your first choice. If you have shceudling difficulties (e.g. atheletes), please email requests for specific sections to Mary ( as soon as possible. You will still need to come to the office.
You’re Invited!
Kasia Bitner is a senior in the CHP and will be having a Singing Recital this Friday for her thesis called “A Bit of Broadway and Opera.” All of CHP is invited to attend her performance on Friday, February 17th at 8 pm in Winifred Smith Hall. Admission is free so please come and support her if you can!
Interfaith Service Movement
UCI has been chosen this year as a partner campus in President Obama’s Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge. Current CHP student and recipient of the Dalai Lama Scholarship would like to announce the opportunity to get involved in this project! Click here for more information about the project! UCI is seeking students passionate about community service, interfaith engagement, social justice, and peace. The aim of the project, planned in coordination with the UCI Dalai Lama Scholars project, is to create an opportunity for interfaith engagement and learning on campus while directly addressing the problems of local poverty, hunger, and homelessness and raising awareness about the broader structural violence of extreme disparities in the global distribution of wealth.
We encourage students of all faiths, or even no faith, to contribute to the effort. To learn more about the interfaith movement at UCI and to begin assisting with the planned service projects, please attend either or both of the planning meetings this week and tell all of your friends! We look forward to seeing you at the meetings:
Oxfam Hunger Banquet
Tuesdays: 5-6 pm – Ring Room, Cross-Cultural Center
Hunger Fast & Day of Service
Wednesdays: 3-4 pm – Board Room, Cross-Cultural Center
Ice Cream Fundraiser!
CHSC will be holding an ice cream fundraiser on Ring Road Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during weeks 7 and 8. For more information visit the events page.We need volunteers to make this possible! Please sign up here! (Volunteers get to eat as much ice cream as they want.)