The Alumni Association is recruiting students of the Class of 2012 to join the Senior Class Gift Committee. We are looking for students who together represent all of the different schools, programs, activities, etc on campus. Most importantly, we are looking for students who have the enthusiasm, time and dedication to see this process through!Expectations: The nominated students will be required to attend 3-4 brief meetings and assist in fundraising for the Class Gift by helping to spread the word and rally their classmates around the project. It is about a 6 hour commitment overall through the end of this school year.Benefits: Students will have the privilege of representing their class in their selection of their Class Gift, be it a contribution to scholarship funds or the addition of a new element to campus. Participants get the chance to leave a tangible mark on campus that can be seen for years and generations to come! They will also acquire valuable fundraising experience and have an opportunity to get to know other dedicated students from across the campus community who share their class spirit and ‘Eater pride. Interested students should RSVP to Andrea Ortiz at by Friday, March 2. Our first committee meeting will be March 6th at noon.
Dinner for 12 Anteaters
Do you want to network with UCI Alumni and get a FREE meal? Come check out Dinner for 12 Anteaters, where you will be matched up with a UCI Alumni host in Orange County to network and dine. Check out the Facebook event for more info and the registration link. First 300 to RSVP receive a free “D12” pint glass!
Dinner for 12 Anteaters
Dinners for 12 Anteaters is an annual event open to all UCI Students. Each alumni who volunteers provides a free dinner and a memorable evening for 12 UCI students. It is a great networking opportunity and a lot of fun!
Registration has been extended so be sure to sign up A.S.A.P online at
Med School Panel
Interested in a career in medicine? Come and learn from two CHP alumni currently in medical school!
- Forum with CHP Alumni in Medicine
- Wednesday, November 3
- 6:00-7:30 p.m.
- 1010 Student Services II