Glamour Magazine Scholarship: Applications for Glamour Magazine’s Top 10 College Women Scholarship are due to the Scholarship Opportunities Office (SOP) by June 15! Winners will receive a cash prize of $3,000 or $20,000 and a trip to New York! All applications require information about the dean, which will be provided to you by SOP. Applications cannot be submitted directly to Glamour Magazine. Visit our website to read about the eligibility requirements, and visit Glamour Magazine’s website to read about last year’s winners. Send any questions to
Scholarship Opportunities Program
Walk-in Office Hours! This quarter, SOP Intern Charllotte will be holding office hours on Wednesdays from 3-4pm and Fridays from 10-11am. Feel free to drop by the Honors Center to chat about prestigious scholarships!
Junior ladies, consider applying for Glamour! Glamour is looking for inspiring college ladies to award $5,000, a trip to New York, and a feature in Glamour magazine. You should be able to demonstrate academic excellence, extensive community service, and leadership ability. Applications are due to our office by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 and can be downloaded online here.
Seniors planning to attend graduate school for physical sciences: The Hertz scholarship is renewable for up to five years to support your graduate education in the physical sciences. You must be a U.S. citizen (or have documented evidence of your application) demonstrating excellence in the sciences. Applicants must have at least a 3.75 GPA and a bachelor’s degree by the time this scholarship is awarded. Applications are available on Hertz’s website and are due to our office by MONDAY OCTOBER 29.
For more information on scholarships due this fall, please check out our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Charllotte at
SOP Weekly Spotlight
Glamour’s Top 10 College Women
Funded by Glamour magazine, this opportunity awards winners a $5,000 cash prize, recognition in Glamour and a trip to New York City for an awards luncheon. Junior ladies, here’s your chance! Applications are due to the SOP office by October 26. Forms can be downloaded here.
Hertz Graduate Fellowship
This award funds up to 5 years toward a Ph.D. in applied physical sciences. Seniors must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents with a 3.75+ GPA to apply. This would essentially be a full ride to graduate school! Applications are due to the SOP office by October 29. Forms can be downloaded here.
SOP Office Hours
This year, Charllotte (SOP Intern) will be holding office hours on Wednesdays at 3pm and Fridays at 10am. If you have any questions regarding SOP, Glamour, Hertz, or any other scholarships found on our website (, please feel free to drop by to talk! If you’re busy at those times, you can also send an email to