Congratulations to the Other On-Campus crew (VDC, VDCN, & CV) for earning the most points per person by participating in CHSC/CHP events last quarter! Their reward will be two hours of free play (with snacks!) in ZotZone in the Student Center on Wednesday after the CHSC general meeting (so starting around 6pm).
Involvement Reward Winners
Congratulations to AV 1006 for earning the most points per resident this quarter! House 1006 was announced as the winner at last week’s CHSC meeting, and will be receiving a pizza party. Residents of house 1006 will be receiving more information shortly.
CHP Involvement Rewards!
More than anything, what CHSC loves is to see CHPers participate in our events! That’s why, starting next quarter, we are implementing a rewards program for participation!! Points will be divided up into categories defined by the housing community you live in (the Shire, Loma, Arroyo, AV Houses, or our Commuter/VDC/VCDN/CV/off-campus housing category), and will be given depending on which event you attend. Points are as follows: CHSC events: 1 point, CHSC general meetings: 3 points, volunteering for Coffee Hour: 3 points, going to a TV taping: 3 points, and volunteering for ATS: 5 points. So come out to events, meetings, volunteer for fundraising, and you will earn points for your hall to work towards a pizza party at the end of the quarter! The first opportunity to earn points is our ATS fundraiser on the 21st and 28th. Getting involved has never tasted so good!
For more information, please visit the CHSC website.