Below are the KoHL/콜 roundtable research meetings for Summer 2021. All meetings are held on Wednesdays at 14:00 PDT (UTC -07:00; Thursdays at 06:00, Korea ST) on Zoom (click link for access).
July 7: Ji Young Kim (UCLA). Mapping “New” vs. “Old” Koreatowns via GIS.
August 4: Lisa Jeon (LanGo Institute). Mapping Korean Language Variation via GIS.
September 1: Jerry Lee (UC Irvine). Mapping Global Korea. [talk canceled]
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Information about our inaugural talk series (Spring 2021) is below.
April 14: Sofia Rüdiger (University of Bayreuth). What’s in a Name? Korean(ized) English(es) and the World Englishes Paradigm.
April 28: Jinhyun Cho (Macquarie University). English as language capital and American dreams in South Korea
May 26: Charles Chang (Boston University) & Sunyoung Ahn (Kyung Hee University). Emotion word development in Korean-speaking children living in majority and minority contexts.
June 2: Tian Li (Harvard University). Nonsense or an Alternative Language?: The Lingualscape in the Transnational Korean Screen Culture.
For more information about KoHL, please contact Andrew Cheng at acheng14 [at] uci [dot] edu.