Literacy Integration – 3

3A. Warm up: 

Teaching artist Roxanne Rojas practices with students how to use their body to make different movements.

Kindergarten Lesson #3: Warm up

3B. Vocabulary: 

Various vocabulary words pertaining to the “Axial and Locomotor” groups are mentioned. Other words having to do with the function of the tree are said.

Kindergarten Lesson #3: Vocabulary

3C. Modeling:

With music playing in the background, the students and teacher perform the axial body movements written on the Venn diagram: twist, balance, stretch, bend, swing, and pull. All body movements are done without speaking and with imagination.

Kindergarten Lesson #3: Modeling

3D. Guided Practice:

The teacher and students demonstrate high and low body movements by using their imagination.

Kindergarten Lesson #3: Guided and Practice

3E. Debriefing and Evaluation:

From the Venn diagram the teacher and the students discuss whether or not each locomotor movement is a high or low movement. To end the class, a few of the movements that were performed, are repeated again.

Kindergarten Lesson #3: Debriefing and Evaluation

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