Current Volunteers
Dr. John Patterson earned his PhD in Earth System Science at UCI in 2022. He continues to do research as a post-doctoral scholar at UCI, analyzing the gases stored in ice core bubbles from Antarctica in order to understand how Earth’s atmosphere has changed over thousands of years. Outside of the lab, he enjoys climbing, hiking, and skiing.
Jenn Campos-Ayala is a PhD student in the Chemistry department at UCI. Her work consists of analyzing the gases stored in ice core bubbles from Greenland in order to understand how fire trends have changed over tens of thousands of years.
Audrey Odwuor is a PhD student in the UCI Department of Earth System Science. Her work combines field work, lab measurements, satellite data, and models to better understand what’s burning in California’s wildfires and how to manage them. Outside of school, Audrey enjoys running, going to concerts, exploring SoCal and camping with friends.
Andie Nugent
Elizabeth Patterson is a PhD student in Earth System Science at UCI. She studies past climate change using cave deposits from Laos and Vietnam. In her free time Elizabeth enjoys hiking, gardening, and watching tennis and basketball (Go Lakers!).
Dr. Shane Coffield received his PhD in Earth System Science from UCI in 2022. Now at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, he studies the impact of climate change and land management on Californian ecosystems, particularly in terms of carbon storage and wildfires. His hobbies include hiking, traveling, and astronomy.
Dr. Mindy Nicewonger graduated in 2019. She studies the past atmospheric composition through use of ice cores from Antarctica and Greenland. She has spent many months at the South Pole for her research projects. Mindy received a fellowship from the National Science Foundation. Now she is employed as a post-doctoral scholar at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Colorado. When not in the ice core freezers, Mindy enjoys hiking, biking and gardening.
Dr. Clayton Elder graduated from ESS UCI in January 2018. His research used carbon isotopes to investigate permafrost carbon emissions from Arctic lakes. Clayton is a nature lover, so in his free time you will find him hiking the mountains and deserts of California, or snorkeling the coves of Orange County’s beaches.
Carl Norlen is a PhD student in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at UCI. He studies California forests and why they die using satellites. Outside of school he likes to hike, spend time with family, and be a Seattle sports fan.
Dr. Emily Kane earned her PhD in Earth System Science in 2020, and now she works as an educator. Her research focused on investigating glacier dynamics over short time scales to determine how glaciers are changing. She has spent many weeks in Greenland collecting data and can’t wait to go back. Emily enjoys spending her time off at the beach and expanding her shoe collection.
Daniel Ruiz is a PhD student at UCI in the Earth System Science Department. His research focuses on using of satellites to detect extreme air pollution events, including large-scale episodes that extend for 100s of kilometers for multiple days. When not working on research, Daniel enjoys surfing and woodworking.
Dr. John Powers completed his PhD and continues his research at UC Irvine in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. He studies chemical floral attractants in a radiation of endangered Hawaiian plants. He is interested in understanding how floral volatiles change with evolutionary shifts in pollination and mating systems, with an eye toward conserving the unique organisms on these islands. When not in the greenhouse, John enjoys tramping and purchasing large vegetables.
Dr. Dianne Sanchez received her Ph.D. from UCI ESS in 2019 and works for the South Coast Air Quality Management District. At UCI, her research in atmospheric chemistry focused on the interactions between humans, the biosphere, and atmosphere. She participated in international air quality campaigns in South Korea. Dianne hopes to use her Ph.D. and knowledge of the Earth system to become a science communicator. Outside of the lab, you can find Dianne at the beach or at local venues checking out the latest band in town. She enjoys swimming and cooking on her free time.
Kurt Solander
Francesca Hopkins
Scott Capps
Crystal Verhulst
Sasha Richey
Ashley Payne
Colene Haffke
Dr. Mike Wood graduated from UCI ESS in 2019. His research focused on the interactions between oceanic circulation patterns and glacier dynamics in Greenland. When not in the office, Mike enjoys surfing and climbing.
Dr. Dawn Woodard finished her PhD in 2019, and now she works at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Her research is on carbon cycles and climate feedbacks. When not working on research Dawn spends her time hiking and exploring the southern California wilderness.