The Chemical and Structural Biology (CSB) Training Program at UC Irvine hosts a journal club every spring term (Mol Bio 201C) that is organized by the active CSB fellows that are supported by the training program. The CSB Journal Club is open to students and faculty of all levels and disciplines and is hosted to not only provide a forum to discuss issues related to the field, but also to bring together faculty and students from across the Ayala School of Biological Sciences, School of Physical Sciences, and the School of Medicine.
This year, each of the active fellows will present a Research in Progress (RiP) talk to the community to demonstrate the diversity and reach of the research currently being supported by the CSB Training Program. These public seminars will begin on April 18, 2018 in Natural Sciences II room 2201 at 12:00. Faculty and students from across the chemical and structural biology communities at UC Irvine are invited to attend.
The Spring 2018 CSB Seminar Series Schedule
All meetings will be held at 12:00PM on Wednesdays in Natural Sciences II room 2201.
Pizza and soft drinks will be provided.
April 4: No Meeting
April 11: No Meeting
April 18: Matt Lewis (Poulos lab)
“Bacterial Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibition”
April 25: Kalistyn Burley (Goulding and Mobley labs)
“Enhanced sidechain sampling using non-equilibrium candidate Monte Carlo”
May 2: Craig Gutierrez (Huang lab)
“Expanding the Chemical Cross-linker Toolkit for Probing Protein-Protein Interactions: Cysteine Reactive Cross-linking”
May 9: Kelly Rotstan (Luptak lab)
“A riboswitch that controls gene expression by binding trans stiff stilbene.”
May 16: Andrew Geragotelis (Tobias lab)
“Anomalous diffusion of membrane proteins from experiment and simulation.”
May 23: Jessica Kelz (Martin lab)
“Switching Things Up: Solid-State NMR for Protein-Membrane Dynamics”
May 30: Christine Miller (Green lab)
June 6: “Specific Aims” Assignment Discussion