Click on each project to learn more.
Identity Project
Partner: HireRight

Thu Nguyen

Arya Kashani

Daolun Shen
Project Overview: Currently, applicants are entered into HireRight fulfillment systems as a distinct person each time a background check is run. Sometimes this is required by unavoidable legal constraints. Often times, however, the applicant has been run through a background check on one or more of HireRight’s fulfillment platforms before and HireRight would be legally permitted to re-use data collected/verified prior. Additionally, this cross-platform data is not contained in a single transactional database which means that tying it together effectively would likely require a graph database model. Being able to tie the information together would result in labor savings as well as unlocking significant data analysis and research potential.
AR for Smart Manufacturing
Partner: ETAD

Grace Choe

Daniel Jiang
Project Overview: This project focuses on the use of AR as technology-driven approach that utilizes Internet-connected machinery to empower workers of the future in terms of safety and efficiency. The goal of this project is to identify opportunities for data analytics and visualization to improve manufacturing performance.
Cloud Studio
Partner: None

Rajwinder Singh

Tejash Bhakta
Project Overview: Keeping the importance of Computer Science, especially programming in mind, we are building a first-of-its-kind online development environment for students and educators to revolutionize the traditional ways of learning and teaching programming. Cloud Studio is an online integrated development environment that would enable anyone from anywhere to learn and build programs without having to deal with issues associated with setting up their own local development environments.
Short-Code SMS Delivery for Paciolan
Partner: Paciolan

Yunsheng Duan

Tarandeep Thamrait

Taofeng Li

JingHao Su

Kenzo Spaulding
Project Overview: Paciolan is the second largest white label ticketing company in the country. It handles end-to-end ticketing for sports events, music venues, and other situations requiring ticketing. In order to perform their job well, a variety of methods to communicate with ticket holders is employed whether that is email, texting, or websites. Our team has been assigned the task of building the infrastructure for a short code messaging service for Paciolan’s SMS services. Currently, Paciolan has no-reply long codes, which are standard 10-digit phone numbers, that send information via SMS. However, long codes do not suitably support the high-volume and time-sensitive messaging environment required by Paciolan. It’s purely intended for person-to-person communication and the only way to scale with sending messages with long code is to add more host phone numbers – long code approach adds costs in maintenance on the side of application development and the nature of ticket messenger (which requires large one-to-many notification bursts) adds higher risks of getting labeled as spam or filtered by the carrier. The poor messaging performance supported by long code brings the motivation of changing the underlying messaging mechanism and solutions to using short code.
Partner: Dutt Research Group

Isaac Berman

Tammy Thai

Jasmine Michelle Irada
Project Overview: Internet of Things enabled healthcare provides a connection between things (i.e., wearable and environmental objects) to enhance healthcare services and subsequently the quality of life. Heterogeneous medical and environmental data (e.g., vital signs, physical activity, and environment data) can be collected continuously via various sensors. Lifelogging and event monitoring provides an additional source of context to the collected data that can be used in the various analyses. These sets of projects aim to collect data from different populations (Pregnant women, College students, etc.) and provide health benefits to them using ubiquitous monitoring and micro intervention.
Partner: Dutt Research Group

Bryce Anthony Gold

Walter Donghyun Lee

Soumya Sharma
Project Overview: Internet of Things enabled healthcare provides a connection between things (i.e., wearable and environmental objects) to enhance healthcare services and subsequently the quality of life. Heterogeneous medical and environmental data (e.g., vital signs, physical activity, and environment data) can be collected continuously via various sensors. Lifelogging and event monitoring provides an additional source of context to the collected data that can be used in the various analyses. These sets of projects aim to collect data from different populations (Pregnant women, College students, etc.) and provide health benefits to them using ubiquitous monitoring and micro intervention.
Partner: Dutt Research Group

Aviv Isaac Benchorin

Iva Do Khauv

Garrett William Wolfe
Project Overview: Internet of Things enabled healthcare provides a connection between things (i.e., wearable and environmental objects) to enhance healthcare services and subsequently the quality of life. Heterogeneous medical and environmental data (e.g., vital signs, physical activity, and environment data) can be collected continuously via various sensors. Lifelogging and event monitoring provides an additional source of context to the collected data that can be used in the various analyses. These sets of projects aim to collect data from different populations (Pregnant women, College students, etc.) and provide health benefits to them using ubiquitous monitoring and micro intervention.
Integrated Production Medical Imaging Segmentation/Annotation Platform
Partner: Kaiser Permanente

Prateek Rao

Aaron Arroyo

Akshaya Manchala

Shanshan Shi

Alex Wang
Project Overview: Platforms such as ePAD, developed by Stanford, act as Radiologists front-end to production medical imaging systems for the purposes of segmentation and annotation. This solution does not satisfy scale and can only be relevant when specific use cases are chosen and radiologists are staffed to perform the task. KP is proposing an integrated experience in a Radiologists normal work-flow where with low cognitive load, they are enabled to segment/annotate their diverse cases for future data retrieval and model training
Internet Crawler
Partner: Ethic Marketplace

Ivan Huang

Preston Tai

Brandon Tom

Nathan Cho
Project Overview: Many sustainable startups are in the process of developing prototypes for the products, and don’t have the resources to get those prototypes into the hands of more early adopters. Often times, however, they will post information about their brand and product/service on various locations such as social networks, their own websites, communities surrounding their products, and more. We want to be able to scour the web and find these companies, their products, and their contact information, and automatically reach out to them to begin relationships. This bot should look at LinkedIn, Facebook, newly created websites, craigslist, and startup resource pages to find these companies.
IP Camera Vehicle Detection

Neal Khodaskar

Manasi Shingane

Vivek Mogili

Sahil Katrekar

Chaitanya Manchikanti

Rohit Sriram
Project Overview: The typical Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) can see as much as 75% of sales being transacted in the drive-thru. With such a high percentage of sales dependent on drive-thru operations, the use of speed of service timing systems is pervasive throughout the United States and is growing internationally. Typical timing systems utilize in-ground loops to detect cars at various points in the drive-through lane so that speed of service metrics can be measured against company standards. While in-ground magnetic loops are inherently reliable for vehicle detection, they are expensive to install and can fail over time due to various environmental factors. Additionally, the loops do not provide any additional information about the vehicle (direction of movement, type of vehicle, etc.) that can be useful in managing queue efficiency. With recent advances in image processing, object detection, identification, and machine learning, Delphi is developing an IP camera-based system to detect, time, count and classify vehicles in the drive-thru which will be an enhancement to the company’s Insight TrackTM Drive-Thru Timing System. The project will be developed in three phases as described in the following section.
Machine Learning / AI Churn Predictor
Partner: Teletrac Navman

Zhenhao Gong

Zhenghao Li

Tuan Shridhar

Tongjie Wang

Zirong Xu

Songheng Zhang
Project Overview: The goal is to predict customer churn for Teletrac Navman (TN) and create a Machine Learning model that will give the probability of churn 6-12 months before contract termination. Churn is the event where a customer leaves their current vendor for another vendor. In this case, TN has multi-year contracts that customers are locked into, but typically decide to switch to another vendor well before the contract termination date. The goal is to be able to assign a probability to current TN customers that represent their likelihood of churn, as well as a visualization of the data provided to the team. This model will be provided to the Operations Team at TN, meeting the given implementation requirements, and may include automation tools for future data cleaning.
Personal Embodied Trainer
Partner: Calit2

Tyler Li

Gianna Nguyen

Paul Baldaray
Project Overview: Personal Embodied Trainers may provide important advantages when added to conventional or digital systems to promote physical therapies. This project focuses on the development of an IoT system to provide and guide physical training at home.
Smart Manufacturing
Partner: Calit2

Jeremy Caius Macalintal Sto Tomas

Ryan Matthew Closa Adra

Palak Mansukhlal Gajera

Kamille Angela Narcida Suayan

Nicholas James Woo
Project Overview: The goal for this project is to create affordable, scalable, accessible, and portable smart manufacturing systems (A.S.A.P. SM systems) through which advances in Internet of Things (IoT) technologies can be effectively integrated into mobile sensor platforms to augment the intelligence of workers and supervisors with smart manufacturing principles and methods. Large manufacturers already have AR solutions meant to increase productivity and reduce risk for their workers. Small to medium manufacturers are attempting to compete, but they don’t have the means to be as productive because they cannot afford the technology. Besides cost, there is a knowledge and confidence barrier among these workers in relation to using new technology. The problem is that only big corporations can afford the expensive technologies for AR/VR and our hope is to make these more accessible for small and medium sized companies.
Website for Marketing Strategies
Partner: Integral Prudence Solutions

Ryan Liao

Denmar Feliciano

David Bui

Tam Nguyen

Karla Abad-Torrez
Project Overview: IPS’s website is the main form of contact for people who want to utilize their services, so it is of utmost importance that it reflects the company’s vision. As of today the current website is full of many uncompleted pages. Many of them contain filler text and the overall look of the website appears incomplete. The contact services are also not working. As of today, this website is not a fully functional one. Our goal ultimately is to fix these bugs, remove filler text and other unnecessary objects, implement the features desired by the owner of the company, and present it all in a clean and professional package.