A risk assessment algorithm is used for standardized identification of individuals with suspected disease, or suspected high risk for disease. A risk assessment test should distinguish individuals with a high probability for disease by analyzing several variables indicated by the algorithm. Among individuals who have a positive risk assessment for CVD, additional diagnostic testing and clinical testing are necessary to establish a diagnosis. A multitude of Risk Assessment algorithms are used throughout a variety of specialties in medicine and are crucial in identifying high-risk individuals, so they can receive an appropriate diagnosis and/or treatment early. Early treatment and diagnosis of disease are vital to help reduce negative effects of disease in individuals.
For cardiovascular risk assessment in pregnant and postpartum patients, a reliable clinical Risk Assessment approach that monitors the hospital and clinician performance is lacking. Timely identification of patients at risk of CVD and follow-up may improve maternal health outcomes, i.e., maternal morbidity and mortality and lifetime onset of CVD.
The California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative (CMQCC) is a multi-stakeholder organization with the goal to end preventable morbidity, mortality, and racial disparities in California maternal care. Dr. Afshan Hameed led the Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy and Postpartum Task Force which developed the CMQCC Cardiovascular disease in pregnancy toolkit to encourage obstetric and other healthcare providers to retain a high index of suspicion for CVD. It includes resources for providers, infographics for patients on signs and symptoms of CVD, future CVD risk and long-term health issues, contraception options and planning a pregnancy with known CVD. The toolkit also includes a discussion on racial and ethnic disparities in CVD prevention and diagnosis.
A clinical decision tool was created as part of the CMQCC Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy Toolkit to identify pregnant and postpartum patients with CVD or risk of developing CVD. The Risk Assessment algorithm also includes follow-up recommendations for patients who have a positive risk assessment for CVD risk. This Risk Assessment algorithm is intended for all pregnant and postpartum patients as a guide to diagnosing CVD. With improved detection of disease, appropriate treatment may improve the outcomes of patients and their pregnancies.
For more information about the Toolkit and Algorithm, please see the resources below: