Geoffrey Bowker, Director, EVOKE & Values in Design Lab, informatics & Computer Sciences
Daniel Gardner, PhD Student, Informatics & Computer Sciences
Judith Gregory, Co-Director EVOKE & Values in Design Lab, Informatics & Computer Sciences
Jesse Colin Jackson, Assistant Professor, Department of Art, Claire Trevor School of the Arts
Peter O. Krapp, Professor, Film & Media Studies, School of Humanities
Julia Reinhard Lupton, Director, Illuminations: The Chancellor’s Arts & Culture Initiative, School of Humanities
Keith Murphy, Professor, Anthropology Department
Simon Greame Penny, Professor of Art, Founding Director of the Arts Computation Engineering Program (ACE)
Julia Price, PhD Student in Music, Claire Trevor School of the Arts
Noopur Atul Raval, PhD Student, Informatics & Computer Sciences
Tsaasan, A.M., PhD Student & Community Artist, Transformative Play Lab & EVOKE Lab, Informatics & Computer Sciences