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iHeart Radio presents

Scientists Daniel and Kelly cannot stop talking about our amazing, wonderful, weird Universe! Each episode is a fun and easy-to-understand explanation of deep topics in science, from particles to black holes to moon colonies to aliens and insects and everything else in the Universe!

Listen to the first episode!

It’s about aliens!

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New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday!

Meet The Hosts

Daniel Whiteson

Daniel Whiteson

Daniel Whiteson is a particle physicist who does research at CERN and teaches at UC Irvine. He was the host of Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe and the author of several popular science books. He can’t wait to meet aliens and ask them science questions.

Visit Daniel’s website


Kelly Weinersmith

Kelly Weinersmith

Kelly Weinersmith is an adjunct assistant professor at Rice University, and president of the Helminthological Society of Washington. She writes pop-sci books on tech and space, and her research is all about parasites that manipulate their host’s behavior. She probably won’t accidentally start the zombie apocalypse.

Visit Kelly’s website!

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