The observations included in DR4 span a total of 411 slitmasks. The following table provides the basic information regarding each of the masks, including observation date, slitmask position and orientation, number of objects, and rough estimates of seeing and signal-to-noise. For more details, refer to Table 9 of Newman et al. (2013). A downloadable copy of this Table is provided below as both a binary table packed in a standard FITS file and as a space-delimited ascii table:
Slitmask Summary Table (FITS): deep2.dr4.masktable.fits.gz
Slitmask Summary Table (ASCII): deep2.dr4.masktable.ascii
Mask = DEEP2 4-digit slitmask identification number
Obs. Date = UT date of observation
RA = right ascension of slitmask center (J2000)
Dec = declination of slitmask center (J2000)
PA = position angle of slitmask (degrees E of N on sky)
Nobj = number of objects on slitmask in DEEP2 DR4 catalog
S/N = signal-to-noise per pixel (0.33Å/pix) at R=23.5, measured from the 1-d spectra
in the wavelength ranges of 6600Å < λ < 6830Å and 6960Å < λ < 7250Å
Seeing = the FWHM measured from the alignment-star spectra (arcseconds)
%(total) = the redshift completeness for all objects
%(red) = the redshift completeness for only those objects with apparent color of R–I > 0.5
Mask | Obs. Date | RA | DEC | PA | Nobj | S/N | Seeing | %(total) | %(red) |
1100 | 2003-05-03 | ||||||||
1101 | |||||||||
1102 | |||||||||
1103 | |||||||||
1104 | |||||||||