These extended photometric catalogs were developed by Matthews et al. (2013), supplementing the existing DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey photometric catalogs with ugriz photometry from two other surveys: the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Each catalog is cross-matched by position on the sky in order to assign ugriz photometry to objects in the DEEP2 catalogs. We have also used this photometry to predict DEEP2 BRI photometry in pointing 14 (of the EGS field), where only poorer measurements were available previously. In addition, we have included improved astrometry tied to the SDSS rather than USNO-A2.0 for all DEEP2 objects. We provide a single photometric catalog for each DEEP2 pointing, each corresponding directly to one of the original DEEP2 pcat catalog files. The format of the catalogs is described below. By combining the secure and accurate redshifts of the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey with ugriz photometry, we have created a useful testbed for future photo-z studies. For more details regarding these catalogs refer to Matthews et al. (2013).
Similar to the DEEP2 pcats, separate photometric catalogs for each CFH12K pointing are available for download as compressed FITS-format binary table (BINTABLE) files with each filename following the form pcat_ext.fp.fits.gz, where f specifies the field number and p specifies the pointing number within the field (each compressed FITS file is ~4MB in size):
Field 1 (14 17, +52 30): pcat_ext.11.fits.gz, pcat_ext.12.fits.gz,
pcat_ext.13.fits.gz, pcat_ext.14.fits.gz
Field 2 (16 52, +34 55): pcat_ext.21.fits.gz, pcat_ext.22.fits.gz
Field 3 (23 30, +00 00): pcat_ext.31.fits.gz, pcat.32.fits.gz, pcat_ext.33.fits.gz
Field 4 (02 30, +00 00): pcat_ext.41.fits.gz, pcat_ext.42.fits.gz, pcat_ext.43.fits.gz
accessible via Google Drive here.
We also provide a version of the extended photometric catalogs matched to the trimmed, unique DEEP2 DR4 redshift catalog. As discussed here, this unique redshift catalog contains 50,319 unique objects with duplicated objects removed (keeping entries with higher redshift quality where appropriate). The format of this file follows that of the other extended photometric catalogs (see below).
Extended Photometric Catalog matched to DR4 Redshift Catalog: zcat_ext.uniq.fits.gz
Catalog Tag | Data Type | Brief Description |
OBJNO | LONG | DEEP2 object number |
RA_DEEP | DOUBLE | Right Ascension (in decimal degrees, J2000) from DEEP2 including astrometric correction |
DEC_DEEP | DOUBLE | Declination (in decimal degrees, J2000) from DEEP2 including astrometric correction |
RA_SDSS | DOUBLE | Right Ascension from either CFHTLS-Wide (DEEP2 Field 1) or SDSS (DEEP2 Fields 2-4) |
DEC_SDSS | DOUBLE | Declination from either CFHTLS-Wide (DEEP2 Field 1) or SDSS (DEEP2 Fields 2-4) |
BESTB | FLOAT | B-band magnitude (AB)‡ |
BESTR | FLOAT | R-band magnitude (AB)‡ |
BESTI | FLOAT | I-band magnitude (AB)‡ |
BESTBERR | FLOAT | B-band magnitude error‡ |
BESTRERR | FLOAT | R-band magnitude error‡ |
BESTIERR | FLOAT | I-band magnitude error‡ |
U | FLOAT | u-band magnitude taken from either CFHTLS (DEEP2 Field 1) or SDSS (DEEP2 Fields 2-4) |
G | FLOAT | g-band magnitude taken from either CFHTLS (DEEP2 Field 1) or SDSS (DEEP2 Fields 2-4) |
R | FLOAT | r-band magnitude taken from either CFHTLS (DEEP2 Field 1) or SDSS (DEEP2 Fields 2-4) |
I | FLOAT | i-band magnitude taken from either CFHTLS (DEEP2 Field 1) or SDSS (DEEP2 Fields 2-4) |
Z | FLOAT | z-band magnitude taken from either CFHTLS (DEEP2 Field 1) or SDSS (DEEP2 Fields 2-4) |
UERR | FLOAT | u-band magnitude error |
GERR | FLOAT | g-band magnitude error |
RERR | FLOAT | r-band magnitude error |
IERR | FLOAT | i-band magnitude error |
ZERR | FLOAT | z-band magnitude error |
PGAL | FLOAT | the probability (0 – 1) that the sources is a galaxy for unresolved galaxies, 3 if resolved |
RG | FLOAT | Estimated R-band radius of object in 0.207” pixels (sigma of Gaussian fit) |
BADFLAG | FLOAT | nonzero if source may have missing data or be contaminated; codes described here. |
ZHELIO | FLOAT | heliocentric reference-frame redshift from DEEP2 DR4 (Newman et al. 2013) |
ZHELIO_ERR | FLOAT | redshift error |
ZQUALITY | INT | redshift quality code |
SFD_EBV | FLOAT | E(B–V) from Schlegel, Finkbeiner, and Davis dust map |
SOURCE | STRING | string giving the source of the BRIugriz photometry, with possible values of DEEP-CFHTLSW or DEEP-CFHTLSD (Pointings 11-13), CFHTLSW (Pointing 14), DEEP-SDSS (Field 2), or DEEP-SDSS82 (Fields 3 and 4). |
‡ — these magnitudes and errors are the same as in DR4 (i.e. from Coil et al. 2004) except for objects in pointing 14, where photometry is predicted using the CFHTLS-Wide photometry.
NOTE: For consistency with the remainder of each dataset, DEEP2 BRI magnitudes in this catalog are extinction-corrected, but SDSS and CFHTLS magnitudes are not. See Matthews et al. (2013) for a more detailed description of these tags.