DEEP2 covers roughly 3 square degrees spanning 4 separate fields on the sky. Below we give info on the location of these fields on the sky and illustrate the DEEP2 spectroscopic coverage. Note that the fields are number 1-4, and the first digit of each 8-digit DEEP2 object number denotes the field in which the object resides.
Field 1 α = 14h 17m, δ = +52d 30m Extended Groth Strip (EGS) (120’ x 15’; no color-cut employed)
Field 2 α = 16h 52m, δ = +34d 55m Zone of very low extinction
Field 3 α = 23h 30m, δ = +00d 00m on SDSS deep survey strip (Stripe 82)
Field 4 α = 02h 30m, δ = +00d 00m on SDSS deep survey strip (Stripe 82)
In the following plots, the lightly shaded regions show the total planned sky coverage in each of the four DEEP2 fields (photometry for these areas are included in DR4). The darker regions are the final spectrocopic coverage for DEEP2 and delineate the DEIMOS slitmasks included in DR4. While observations for DEEP2 were originally designed to span 480 slitmasks, the now-completed survey includes a total of 411 slitmasks. The entirety of the EGS field was covered along with nearly all of Field 3, but the coverage in Field 2 and Field 4 is roughly two-thirds of the original goal. The photometric pointing corresponding to each portion of the field (and to the associated pcat) is given by the red two-digit numbers overplotted.