I grew up in Honolulu, HI. After high school, I moved across the country to attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. During my time there, I volunteered at a local mobile health clinic, was involved in various student organizations, and dove on the Swim & Dive team. While at MIT, I was introduced to research and developed molecules to probe sugar-microbe interactions alongside excellent graduate student, post-doctoral, and faculty mentors. Through this, I developed a passion for asking questions with relevant medical applications. After earning my B.S. in Physics and B.S. in Chemistry & Biology in 2021, I came to UC Irvine to begin my MD-PhD training through the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP). As I became more interested in the musculoskeletal system and developing technologies that will translate to the clinic, I found a research home with DELTAi. Outside of the lab, you can find me training for triathlons with the UCI Club Triathlon team, doing acro-yoga and circus acrobatics (recreationally), cooking, or exploring Southern California.