EVENT: Egyptomania in the Mail & Online: Digital Archives and Imperial Imaginings of an “Antique Land” through Vintage Postcards

Join DHX as UCI Assistant Professor Ian Straughn presents his talk,

“Egyptomania in the Mail & Online: Digital Archives and Imperial Imaginings of an “Antique Land” through Vintage Postcards”

This event will be held remotely on October 27, 12:30 – 1:50pm pst.


Dr. Straughn researches the archaeology and material culture of the Islamic world with particular attention to the ways in which religious traditions shape and are shaped by the lived landscape. For the past few years, in collaboration with UCI Libraries, he has led multiple cohorts of undergrads in his Egyptomania course in the development of a digital collection of 300 vintage, early 20th-century postcards depicting ancient Egyptian archaeological heritage, using the Omeka-S platform. Dr. Straughn will discuss his digital pedagogy and partnership with UCI Libraries as well as showcase the Egyptomania digital project.