Support UCI Drama Today!
The Department of Drama offers a premier academic and professional training program encompassing various theatre programs, distinguished resident and guest faculty, and an extraordinary alumni placement record. Designated a Department of Excellence in the UC system, UCI Drama delights in our diverse curriculum, student body and faculty.
The UCI Theatre Guild has played a crucial role in the department for more than 50 years by helping to fund the students’ experience in our classrooms and on our stages. The members continued support is vital to our overall success. Please consider making a gift of any amount to UCI Drama today!
To learn more or to make a gift, please visit: www.arts.uci.edu/giving
Text CTSA to 41444 to make a gift via text message.
If you’d like to contribute by mail, please make checks payable to the “UCI Foundation” and on the memo line, please note:
“UCI Theatre Guild: Fund 2238”
Mail to:
UCI Claire Trevor School of the Arts Attn: Development Office
200 Mesa Arts Building
4000 Mesa Rd.
Irvine, CA 92697