Group 1 – Representation: Recruitment of Black Faculty

Each of the six Dismantling Systemic Racism Work Groups are addressing systemic anti-Black racism on the UCI campus. The effort is a grassroots effort to cultivate solutions from faculty, staff, students and the community.

The Representation: Recruitment of Black Faculty Work Group will begin by addressing the questions below.

  • Why are Black faculty underrepresented at UCI?
  • What policies and practices inhibit the representation of Black faculty at UCI?
  • How can we leverage programs or initiatives (e.g., President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program) to increase the number of Black faculty?
  • How can we better recruit Black Americans (and other URMs) to join our faculty?
  • How can we better advertise our FTE searches to be more attractive to Black scholars? How can we write better job ads to this end?
  • How can we improve the search process to support our recruitment goals? Do search committees and units undervalue contributions to diversity when searching and hiring?
  • How can we train search committees to avoid implicit bias and use holistic assessment to generate more inclusive short lists?

Work Group Members

Ally Abonador
Aileen Anderson
Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez
Kevin Beier
Mathew Blurton-Jones
Victoria Cendejas
Lulu Chen
Naja Christmas
Nzola De Magalhaes
Lauren Dedecker
Jeni Francisco
Nathan Gabriel

Michael Gallo
Tony Zhaozhao Gao
Heidi Hardt
Jeremy Heis
Jazmin Henry
Kimberly Jones
Amandeep Kaur
Julie Kennedy
Chang Liu
Gyorgy Lur
Angelina Majeno
Freddie Marquez
Karen Martin
Sara Mednick

Luis Mota-Bravo
Khawla Mustafa
Gerald Parham
Londen Powers
Jennifer Prescher
Rosanna Rivero
Alexandra Rogers
Brian Sato
Bryan Sykes
Kathleen Treseder
Ella Turenne
Gretchen Verdugo
Gregory Weiss
Olivia Yanes

Co-leaders: Kevin Beier, Karen Martin, Gerald Parham, Nathan Gabriel, Ella Turenne, Naja Christmas, Josue Ruedas

Steering Group Liaisons: Lee Bardwell, Brian Cummings