Group 6 – Implicit Bias and Anti-Racist Protocols, Education, and Policies

Each of the six Dismantling Systemic Racism Work Groups are addressing systemic anti-Black racism on the UCI campus. The effort is a grassroots effort to cultivate solutions from faculty, staff, students and the community.

The Implicit Bias and Anti-Racist Protocols, Education, and Policies Work Group will begin by addressing the questions below.

  • What protocols/procedures can we introduce to limit the impact of implicit bias at the level of graduate students, faculty, scientists, postdocs?
  • What procedures can we put in place for alleviating the impact of implicit bias for faculty search, hiring, and/or promotion?
  • What kind of metrics can we use to document that procedures are implemented, effective and produce results?
  • What training or other form of education can be proposed to faculty, students to bring awareness about these issues, engage participation and open discussions?
  • How can we assess where we stand now (climate survey?) and what are our goals for the future over what time frame? What do we plan to achieve and can we establish metrics for documenting that we reach our goals?

Work Group Members

Karen Abdelmalek
Amal Alachkar
Meghan Ballard
Huda Barhoosh
Stephen Barker
Jolene Beiser
Elizabeth Bess
Piyashi Biswas
Joshua Blank
Anna Boncompagni
Marge Brannon
Courtney Chan
Theresa Chin
Yoon Choi
Marlene De la Cruz
Alycia Edquilang
Jenny Fan
Elizabeth Franklin
True Gibson
Briac Halbout
Mary Hansel
Yadira Hernandez
Julie Herrick

Alejandra Hormaza
Kevin Huie
Kaitlyn Jackson
Lisa Jones
Kelly Kadlec
Katelyn Kelly
Alya Khan
Marguerite Klumb
Judith Kroll
Lilli LaBuen
Horacio Legras
Stacy Mason
Kuhu Mathur
Sarah McBane
Liv McMillan
Charles Moore
Mandy Mount
Bhavna Nakum
Suzzy Ndiforchu
Jasmine Osei-Enin
Miranda Paine
Michael Parsons
Kalani Phillips

Anastasia Poponina
Hamsi Radhakrishnan
John Renaud
Angela Robinson
Zachary Rosen
Santana Ruiz
Sangeeta Sakaria
Katie Salen
Heather Shannon
Sara Sheikh-Arvizu
Eli Simon
Gloria Simpson
Sharon Stead
Golnaz Tabibnia
Doug Tobias
Julia Tomasello
Connie Valencia
Robert Woodry
Pasha Wynant
Jessie Yaros
Angela Yun
Fan-Gang Zeng

Co-leaders: Kaitlyn Jackson, Amal Alachar, Golnaz Tabibnia, and Angela Rene Robinson

Steering Group Liaisons:  Isabella Velicogna, Gwendolyn Kuhns Black