Did Trump Just Save James Comey from Being Tried?

Did Trump Just Save James Comey from Being Tried?

Many Democrats still believe that former FBI Director James Comey cost Hillary Clinton the election. Three large key rust belt states went to Trump by less than 1% and gave him the winning electoral vote margin: Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Comey, a Republican, addressed the public on the Clinton email investigation, bypassing the primacy of the Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, and the Justice Department. While clearing Clinton, he raked her over the coals for having a private email server when Secretary of State. All members of Congress are allowed one, Hillary did not plan to receive any classified email on it, and it was never hacked. Comey’s insinuation about Clinton violated the 5th Amendment Due Process guarantee, both from bypassing the Department of Justice, and directly by punishing Clinton’s reputation.

Trump has repeatedly violated Clinton’s Due Process rights, by leading the “Lock Her Up” chants. Trump continues to leak secrets by his timely announcements of military actions in planning or in progress.

In Comey’s ABC interview, he implied the runway meeting between former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General somehow compromised the investigation. Both of them are experienced government lawyers, and highly unlikely to have violated due process. Comey’s excuse that he had to bypass the Attorney General with his announcement because of the meeting again violated due process, since he has no evidence that they discussed the investigation.

But when Trump violated Due Process by tweeting to his 50 million followers and massive news reporting, he ruined Comey’s chances of getting a fair trial, should he be investigated and indicted. Therefore, Comey gets off Scott free, due to Trump’s Tweet Tantrum. Another Mission Accomplished for Trump.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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