Countries with the Largest IHME Projected Deaths

We make a table of the countries with the largest projected deaths on December 1 by the IHME projections.  Some of them seem wildly out of line, but they are based on when current restrictions expire.  Undoubtedly, most of the countries with few cases will extend restrictions to keep the number of deaths low.  Their high death projection should then just serve as a warning of what can happen if they drop all expiring restrictions.  Japan and the Philippines are the leading cases of this phenomena.  We also show the IHME projections with 95% masking, and the number of lives savable by masking.  For current deaths, we use Johns Hopkins data for midday August 30.  We order the countries by the projected lives lost on December 1, and go down to 10,000.

Country Current Deaths Projected Deaths With Masking Lives Saved
India 63,498 445,265 291,145 154,120
US 183,020 317,312 249,834 67,478
Brazil 120,462 182,809 165,458 17,351
Mexico 63,819 118,709 106,202 12,507
UK 41,586 62,567
Japan 1,285 62,129 42,096 20,033
Philippines 3,520 58,643 58,079 564
Spain 29,011 52,529 50,331 2,198
Columbia 19,063 48,475 49,807 – 1,332
France 30,611 48,039 36,597 11,442
Iran 21,462 45,397 30,407 14,990
Peru 28,607 45,354 45,193 161
Italy 35,477 41,741 38,413 3,328
Russia 17,045 40,039 21,977 18,062
Iraq 6,959 27,649 13,564 14,085
Netherlands 6,252 24,143 8,326 15,817
Ethiopia 758 23,756 9,357 14,399
Argentina 8,401 23,053 21,,519 1,534
Ecuador 6,555 21,432 21,303 129
Morocco 1,111 21,167 10,300 10,867
S. Africa 14,028 20,162 19,064 1,098
Germany 9,300 19,158 11,217 7,941
Belgium 9,891 17,863 14,914 2,949
Bangladesh 4,174 17,766 8,336 9,430
Kazakhstan 1,523 16,550 16,112 438
Romania 3,,578 14,447 8,449 5,998
Turkey 6,326 14,203 9,526 4,677
Chile 11,244 13,994 13,928 66
Indonesia 7,343 13,700 11,518 2,182
Canada 9,164 13,500 10,400 3,100
Pakistan 6,288 10,672 7,163 3,509
Sweden 5,821 10,092 6,420 3,672

For comparison, China has had 4,722 deaths, and no projections have been made by IHME.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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