Free Clinic Project and AED 2017 Garden Grove Health Fair

On the behalf of the Free Clinic Project at UCI, we would like to thank the UCI chapter of AED, the 11 health provider booths, our generous donors, and all of our undergraduate and medical student volunteers who came out to our first May 2017 Garden Grove Health Fair.

Together our organizations were able to help 70+ patients receive basic testing and consultations with medical professionals. We hope to continue the tradition of an annual Spring health fair and look forward to the accomplishments to come!

Thank you again for all your dedication and support!

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Inter-Clinic Patient Education Training with Dr. Kilgore

Last week the Free Clinic Project at UCI hosted an inter-clinic patient education training session. Thank you Dr. Kilgore for training Free Clinic Project at UCI undergraduates and medical students, Crescent, and UCI OC members on professional patient education techniques.