
UCI Global Asias is a multidisciplinary School of Humanities Research Cluster that gathers faculty and graduate students who are invested in researching the global flows and circulations from, within, through, and around “Asia,” broadly conceived. Global Asias recognizes Asia’s shifting position in the realm of geopolitics, capital, and culture — reframing longstanding narratives associated with the region and with what has come to be called the “global.” We aim to reconceptualize and expand our understanding of social, political, and ideological phenomena across national borders, disciplines, and methodologies. 

The research cluster emerged from UCI’s rich community of faculty, students, and staff who approach Global Asias topics and scholarship from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, as well as departmental locations ranging from the humanities (Art History, Comparative Literature, English, Film & Media Studies, Global Languages & Cultures, History, Visual Studies) to the performing arts, social sciences, and beyond (e.g., Anthropology, Art, Drama, Global & International Studies, Public Health, Urban Planning & Public Policy).

If you are interested in getting involved with UCI Global Asias, or want to be added to our mailing list, please contact globalasias@uci.edu. If you have ideas for events or partnerships, please contact UCI Global Asias Director Christopher T. Fan (chris.fan@uci.edu).