Global Asias 2023 | Program

Friday April 21 – Saturday April 22, 2023


Friday, 21 April

10:30AM HG 1030: Registration Table Opens
11-12PM HG 1030: Lunch (Provided)
11:25AM-11:45PM HG 1030: Opening Remarks

Introductions: Jerry Won Lee, Co-Director, UCI Global Asias Research Cluster

Tyrus Miller, Dean, UC Irvine School of Humanities

Hu Ying, Chair, UC Irvine Department of East Asian Studies

Julia Lee, Chair, UC Irvine Department of Asian American Studies

12-1PM HG 1030: Opening Keynote

Introduction: Julia Lee, Chair, UC Irvine Department of Asian American Studies

Erica Kanesaka, Emory University
“Tender Archives: Global Asias in the Toybox”

1-2:30PM HG 1030: Medias

Chair: Ann Thuy-Ling Tran, UC Irvine

Ann Thuy-Ling Tran, UC Irvine
“Global Ghost Cities: Circulations of Ritual Across Diasporic Space(s) of Little Saigons”

K.T. Wong, UC Irvine
“Connecting the Dots Between Heterogeneity and Globalization: The Malaysian Indie Game Production Culture”

Andy Zhu Ke, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
“Nostalgic Allegory: Discourse on Hong Kongness in China’s Popular Variety and Reality TV Shows (2020-2022)”

Juan Carlos Fermin, UC Irvine
“On ‘Filipiniality’: The Global Filipinx as Spectacle and Subject”

HG 1010: Exile

Chair: Tenzing Wangdak, UC Irvine

Diane Nititham, Murray State University
“‘I’m in Between…Ok?’ Mobility, Placemaking, and Filipino Irish Identities”

Tenzing Wangdak, UC Irvine
“Paper Citizenship: The Materiality of Tibetan Identity in Exile”

Catherine Nguyen, Emerson College
“The World that Operation Babylift Built: Humanitarian Aid and Refugee Children in the Aftermath of the Vietnam War”

HG 1002: Infrastructure of Relational Worldmaking in Global Asias

Chair: Lillian Ngan, University of Southern California

Shiqi Lin, UC Irvine
“Listen Up: Chinese Podcasts and Sonic Documentation in Fractured Times”

Ka-ming Wu, Chinese University of Hong Kong
“Reimagining Disability and Infrastructure: Guide Running and the Politics of Recognition in Chinese Cities”

Lillian Ngan, University of Southern California
“Destabilizing Southeast Asia: Ho Tzu Nyen’s Reimagination of Lai Teck”

Tian Jing Teh, University of Southern California
“Fluid Mobility and the City of Emotions: The New Nanyang Stories of New Chinese Immigrants from China”

Respondent: Christopher Fan, UC Irvine

2:45-4:15PM HG 1030: Asian American Voices in the Built Environment

Co-Chair: Judy Tzu-Chun Wu, UC Irvine

Co-Chair: Hongyan Yang, Boston College

Jonathan Cortez, University of Texas at Austin
“Building in the Brush: Chinese Migrants Evading Immigration Officials along the U.S.-Mexico Border During the Era of Exclusion”

Lynnette Widder, Columbia University
“‘American-Japanese’: Kaneji Domoto’s Houses for Usonia NY, 1948-57”

Sanae Nakatani, Tokyo Metropolitan University
“The Racial Geography of 1950s Detroit and Minoru Yamasaki’s Architecture”

Hongyan Yang, Boston College
“Ethnic Revival in the Design of Philip P. Choy”

HG 1010: Genders

Chair: Kylie Ching, UC Irvine

Barbara Grossman-Thompson, California State University Long Beach
“Safety, Danger, Outside and Inside: Adolescent Nepali Women’s Sense of Place and Movement within Narratives of Gendered Social Change”

Monica W. Cho, UC Irvine
“Madness, War, and Nation: Feminist Reading of Postwar Korean Fiction, ‘Spirit on the Wind’”

Nguyen Thi Minh, Ho Chi Minh City University of Education
“Asia as Multiplicity: The Aesthetics of Harmony in the Works of Trinh Thi Minh-ha”

Kylie Ching, UC Irvine
“Patches of Empires, Migration, and Memory: Reimagining Korean and Korean Diasporic History in Yong Soon Min’s Mother Load (2014)”

HG 1002: Building a Home Away from Home: Afterlives of Southeast Asian Refugee Diasporas

Marimas Hosan Mostiller, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Duyen Bui, Hawaii Pacific University

Yasmin Ulla, Human Rights Activist

4:15-5:30PM Opening Reception


Saturday, 22 April

8:30-9AM HG 1030: Morning Coffee/Tea
9AM-10:30AM HG 1030: Asia/The Americas

Chair: Heidi Tinsman, UC Irvine

Yue Qiu, University of Wisconsin, Madison
“A Forgotten Revolutionary Solidarity: The Echoes of the Haitian Revolution in China”

Heidi Tinsman, UC Irvine
“Freeing Chinese Men on the María Luz: Gender and the Latin American Coolie Trade”

Miguel A. Quirarte Hernandez, UC Irvine
“Revolutionary Commerce and Aloof Diplomacy: Mexico-Japan Relations During the Huerta and Carranza Regimes, 1913-1917”

Yareli Castro Sevilla, Harvard University
“Tejiendo Redes de Solidaridad: Chinese Mexican Community, Connections, and Living Archives”

HG 1010: Militarisms

Chair: Jenilene Francisco, UC Irvine

Jenilene Francisco, UC Irvine
“Resisting Militarized Violence: The Role of the Feminist Ethnographer”

Hans Su, University of Auckland
“Through a Cracked Glass, Caressingly: Birds, Landmines and the Never-Landing Language in Don Mee Choi’s DMZ Colony”

Chun-yu Lu, Chung Yuan Christian University
“The Transpacific Tactics of Protests: Hong Kong and Black Lives Matter”

Jason Vu, University of Southern California
“Air(im)mobility: Routing the Helicopter War in Việt Nam”

10:45AM-12PM HG 1030: “Creating Your Compass, Navigating Career Pathways”

A Graduate Student Career Pathways Discussion/Workshop led by Dr. SueJeanne Koh, Graduate Futures Program Director, Humanities Center, UC Irvine

Sponsored by UCI School of Humanities DECADE Program

12-1PM HG 1030: Lunch (Provided)
1-2:30PM HG 1030: Space

Chair: Toni Nicole Hays, UC Irvine

Kasidit “Gunn” Phikrohkit, UC Irvine
“Naming as Worldbuilding”

Jiyon Byun, UC Irvine
“Space Making in Ghost Month”

Toni Nicole Hays, UC Irvine
“A House is Not a Home: Home-making in Asian/America”

Johansen Pico, UC Irvine
“Becoming Human In The World:Transnational Queer Futurities in the Filipinx Diaspora”

HG 1010: Reimagining Asia and Home through Food

Chair: Judy Tzu-Chun Wu, UC Irvine

Justine Trinh, Washington State University
“Deep Fried Food and Fermented Soybeans: Food, the Idea of Asia, and Belonging in The Family Chao

Audrey Fong, Chapman University
“Food, Family, and Home away from Home: On Ghost Forest and the creation of community Abroad”

Phuc Duy Nhu To, UC San Diego
“Delivering Home: Gendered Labor and The Consumption of Intimacy in The Vietnamese Diaspora”

Clarissa Gao, UC Irvine
“Nations as Bodies: National Abjection and its Effects on the Idea of ‘Asian America’”

Respondent: Judy Tzu-Chun Wu, UC Irvine

HG 1002: Bodies

Chair: Trinh Dang, UC Irvine

Ghaliah Fakhoury, UCLA

“Diasporic Connections Through Arab Music”

Trinh Dang, UC Irvine
“Aestheticization of Asian Cuisine: Reimagining the Contours of Coloniality”

Susan Mila P. Alvarez-Tosalem, University of Philippines Visayas
“Paglubad: Disentangling the Politics of Translation in Contemporary West Visayan Literature”

2:45-4:15PM HG 1030: Water

Chair: Weisong Gao, UC Merced

Weisong Gao, UC Merced
“Aqueous Queer Life”

Siwei Wang, Princeton University
“Global Asian Water Works: Labor, Infrastructure, and Genres”

Juwon Lee, UC Irvine
“Living Nature: The Politics of Urban Streams in South Korea”

Shelby Oxenford, University of Texas at Austin
“(Re)Making the World in Literatures of Disaster”

HG 1010: Circulations

Chair: Lucy Zi Wei Fang, UC Irvine

Abel Song Han, Cornell University
“All That Is solid Melts into Liquid(ity): Hong Kong Literature and the Asian Financial Crisis”

Carlo Tuason, University of Southern California
“Airport Temporalities in Hong Kong”

Lucy Zi Wei Fang, UC Irvine
“Garbage Transformations: Enmeshments of Waste/Nature/Human in Chen Qiufan’s Waste Tide

HG 1002: Care

Chair: Jung Soo Lee, UC Irvine

Jung Soo Lee, UC Irvine
“Manifest Disability: How Care Begets Disability in Han Kang’s The Vegetarian”

Edward Kenneth Nadaruta, UC Irvine
“Reorienting Global Care Chains: Centering Risk and Contagion in Global Filipino Labor”

Yasser Ali Nasser, University of Chicago
“Friendship and the End of Empire: China, India, and Making a New Asia”

Joshua G. Acosta, UC Berkeley
“Filipino Labor and the Racial Ecologies of Occupational Health in Early 20th-Century Asian America”

4:30-5:30PM Closing Plenary

Introduction: Kylie Ching, Assistant Director, UCI Global Asias Research Cluster

Evyn Lê Espiritu Gandhi, UCLA
“Toward an Archipelagic Global Asias: Reflections on the Archipelago as Method”

Closing Remarks: Toni Hays, Assistant Director, UCI Global Asias Research Cluster