The public traditionally views scientists as introverts who speak in jargon. Conversely, a few scientists make a point of describing their research to general audiences. However, by fall 2020 we are in a “new normal.” A worldwide pandemic, global climate change, catastrophic fires, floods: rather than hidden away in a lab, science’s stories–bringing fearsome challenges, and tantalizing solutions–are everywhere. Public interest in science is soaring. If there is a silver lining, here is an opportunity for scientists to vividly communicate the importance and wonder of what they do to rabidly curious lay audiences. On a personal and professional level, whether soliciting funding, giving talks, or doing job interviews, excellent communication skills give their scientific practitioners a significant edge. Good news: we think these can be taught–the methods are, indeed, a science!
UCI’s Graduate Professional Success in S.T.E.M (GPS-STEM) is offering an online Science Communication Skills course with Sandra Tsing Loh, best-selling author, performer, and host of the popular syndicated daily KPCC radio “minute”/NPR/Google News podcast “The Loh Down on Science.” During this three-week intensive, PhD students and postdocs will learn how to engage and inform lay audiences succinctly and effectively. Sandra and trainers will also offer performance coaching and tips. The course will culminate in a short NPR-ready piece performed by each participant!
In keeping with the current transition to remote learning, we are offering this course online. GPS-STEM (previously called GPS-BIOMED) recorded online learning modules, which will be used as reference for all the classes. The 2020 offering of the course is going into “Flipped Classroom” * format, where participants will watch online video modules first and then attend in-person tutorial sessions by Sandra Tsing Loh.
Teaching Format:
- “Flipped classroom” – Instructional videos (3 mins each) to be viewed before the class
- Online workshops with interactive student feedback over Zoom
- Max 30 students in 5 Pods of 6, with a master student trainer assigned to each pod
- Peer presentations in Zoom “breakout rooms”
- Cloud drive will serve as central hub for uploading and viewing
- Each student will complete
- a 90-second “elevator pitch” (radio script)
- outline for a mini-TED talk (6-18 mins, expand or collapse at will)
*Flipped Classroom: The flipped classroom is a novel teaching strategy that “flips” traditional in-class vs. at-home activities. Lectures are available online, , to be viewed–and, if need be, reviewed–at home Student practice/delivery of course concepts– previously been considered “homework”–moves into the classroom, for live one-on-one teacher/trainer mentoring.
Detailed Curriculum & Schedule: