Summer Teaching Apprenticeship Program (STAP), formerly called TAP-STEM is a collaboration between GPS-BIOMED & the Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation that presents an opportunity for graduate students and postdocs to gain experience teaching a UCI undergraduate course. The program pairs trainees with faculty mentors during the academic year and prepares them to be an instructor of record during the summer session. Through this formal program, trainees gain valuable experience and become competitive candidates as they pursue careers in research and teaching at diverse institutions.
The program is now called SUMMER TEACHING APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM (STAP) The TAP-STEM program has moved to the Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Dr. Brian Sato, Associate Dean of the Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation, at
Who is eligible to apply to STAP/TAP-STEM?
Postdoctoral fellows: Advanced postdocs in a biomedical or life science department are eligible to apply. Past teaching and mentoring experience is a plus.
PhD students: PhD students in a biomedical or life science graduate program who have: 1) advanced to candidacy and 2) TA’ed at least two times are eligible to apply.
What courses will be available to teach during the summer session?
A list of courses can be found here: 2019 TAP-STEM Summer Courses. Please review this list and select the courses you would be interested in teaching, understanding that availability is subject to change.
What are the program requirements and what will be expected of me if I am selected?
All trainees selected to participate in STAP/TAP-STEM must complete the following activities and courses:
- University Studies 390X offered by the Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation
- Quarterly meetings with the faculty mentor to discuss pedagogy
- TA or shadow the faculty mentor during the academic year while he/she teaches. At this time, trainees will teach one lecture.
- Quarterly meetings with Danny Mann, Ph.D., Program Director of Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Instructional Development, to discuss progress and professional goals
- Teach a course during the summer session and meet with mentors to discuss feedback
For more detailed information download the TAP-STEM program timeline here: 2018-19 TAP-STEM Program Timeline
Does participation in STAP/TAP-STEM require approval from my PI?
Yes. Please discuss your desire to apply and participate in TAP-STEM with your faculty mentor prior to submitting an application. If selected, you will be asked to sign a contract that describes the level of commitment and policies required to teach during the summer session. This contract will also be signed by your PI, chair of your department, and departmental MSO. The contract will be available on the website by mid-August. The contract does not need to be completed until you are selected to participate in STAP/TAP-STEM.
If selected, how will participating in STAP/TAP-STEM affect my GSR or postdoctoral appointment?
Trainees selected to participate in TAP-STEM will be hired by UCI and will receive financial compensation to teach during the summer session. Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) appointments and Postdoctoral appointments will be adjusted to compensate for the approximate amount of time trainees will spend outside of the lab teaching.
For example, if a postdoctoral trainee is selected to teach one session of the selected course, the postdoctoral appointments will be reduced to 50%. If the postdoctoral trainee is selected to teach two sessions, the appointment will be reduced to 0%.
How can I apply to STAP/TAP-STEM?
To register, please visit the website for Summer Teaching Apprenticeship Program (STAP)
Please direct all inquiries to Dr. Brian Sato,