Passed my candidacy exam!

Candidacy exam

I thank Allah that on March 9, 2017, I passed my candidacy exam and became a PhD candidate :)-

I presented DELDroid in my candidacy exam. The exam took an hour and 40 minutes followed by a private discussion by my committee members.

DELDroid is an automated system for determination and enforcement of least-privilege architecture in Android.

Thanks to my committee members:

1- Prof. Sam Malek (Advisor)

2- Prof. Cristina Lopes

3- Prof. James A. Jones

4- Prof. Alfred Kobsa

5- Prof. Ardalan Amiri Sani

My ICSA 2017 paper accepted!

Mahmoud Hammad, Hamid Bagheri, and Sam Malek. DELDroid: Determination and Enforcement of Least-Privilege Architecture in Android. International Conference of Software Architecture (ICSA 2017), Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2017. (22% acceptance rate)

Attended ICSE 2016


It was a great pleasure and exciting moments for me to attend the premier conference in software engineering, International Conference in Software Engineering on May of 2016. ICSE was my first software engineering conference I have attended so far. I have attended the main conference and a two days co-located event called International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems or SEAMS for short. (more…)

My new website !!!

I have created my new personal website at which powered by WordPress and Free for UCI faculty, staff, and graduate students only. The website is still at it’s preliminary stages and I will keep updating it whenever I have something new to add.