The History Department will offer one career development internship for AY 19-20 for a PhD student in good standing. The student intern will work 20 hours per week, receiving compensation as a GSR (Graduate Student Researcher). Remuneration consists of fees and a stipend, equivalent to working as a TA.
The department invites proposals from students who seek to diversify their professional development by gaining work experience beyond their dissertation research and undergraduate classroom teaching. This is an opportunity to design your own internship.
A complete proposal will consist of:
1. A 500-word narrative description of the internship that
Identifies the host/employer AND a specific supervisor
Explains how the work you plan to do supports your career development goals
Differentiates between your research interests and your planned internship
This is not an opportunity to fund your research; you must explain how this experience relates to your intellectual interests and how it will broaden your portfolio of employable skills
2. Your resumé (not an academic CV)
Click here for a worksheet that offers basic guidelines for both the CV and resumé. Click here for an annotated example of a resumé with a PhD for non-scholarly employment.
3. A letter of support from the partner/host/employers
This does not have to be detailed, but does need to express a commitment to supervise your work and a willingness to work with you and the History Department to develop a memorandum of understanding, a job description, and an evaluation process.
You are encouraged to discuss your plans with the Career Diversity for Historians team. If you don’t have a clear plan in mind, we can help connect you with partners who are interested in working with history grad student interns.
Stephanie Narrow, Program Officer
Laura Mitchell, Faculty Director
Please submit your application materials as a single PDF by 3 pm on Friday 19 April to Yuting Wu
Click here for a link to the CFP.