The UCI Department of History is hosting four candidates for a faculty position in Transnational U.S. history. This is not only a great opportunity to learn about emerging scholarship in the field. See the schedule below to learn about the forthcoming talks. but is also an opportunity for graduate students to learn about the job talk as a genre.
Additionally, CDH will host two job talk “debriefs,” where we will consider job talk best practices. The first debrief is scheduled for Thursday, 11/23 in KH 200E, where we will discuss Katie Keliiaa’s and Rasul Miller’s talks.
Friday, Jan 17, 2:00PM, HG1010
‘Indian Girls Prefer Park to Housework’: Criminalization, Deviance, Runaways, and 20th-Century U.S. Indian Policy
Katie Keliiaa
Wednesday, Jan 22, 3:00PM, HG 1010
Black Muslim Cosmopolitanism: The Global Character of New York City’s Black Muslim Movements, 1936-1990
Rasul Miller
Friday, Jan 24, 2:00PM, HG 1010
Homesteads and Inheritors: Settler Colonial Family Formations in the American Colonial Philippines, 1898 – 1946
Tessa Winkelmann
Monday, Jan 27, 3:00PM, HG1010
Transnational Migrant Activism: Confronting the Carceral State from Tlatelolco, Mexico City to El Centro, California
Jessica Ordaz