1/20/21 Where PhDs Work with Jana Remy

A specialist in the field of Digital Humanities, Jana Remy (History PhD ’12) shares her journey from grad school to her current positions as the Director of Educational Technology and Co-Director of Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Chapman University. Please register for this Zoom event here: bit.ly/wpwremy Contact Stephanie Narrow at historycareers@uci.edu with any… Continue Reading 1/20/21 Where PhDs Work with Jana Remy

Krieger Hall Chronicles Podcast Debut

Get ready for the inaugural season of the Krieger Hall Chronicles! Set your alarms, clear your calendars, and follow along as your host and CDH Program Officer, Stephanie Narrow, sits down with five UC Irvine History students and alumni. From internships to public history to the tenure track and beyond, there is something for every listener. Season… Continue Reading Krieger Hall Chronicles Podcast Debut

Shut Up and Write! Summer Working Group

UPDATE! Schedule for our Shut Up & Write! Meeting on 7/23/20 UPDATE! Schedule for our Shut Up & Write! Meeting on 7/15/20 UPDATE! Schedule for our Shut Up & Write! Meeting on 7/9/20 UPDATE! Schedule for our first Shut Up & Write! Meeting on 7/2/20 Shut Up & Write! is a virtual Zoom working group that provides the… Continue Reading Shut Up and Write! Summer Working Group