Academic Job Search Workshop, 5/24/19

Please join us for the Academic Job Search workshop on Friday, May 24th from 11:30 am – 12: 30 pm in KH 200E. Ali Olomi will share his job searching experience and strategies for interview, campus visit, negotiating offers, and more! If you are interested, please RSVP here: Light refreshments will be provided.

Career Development Internship, AY 2019-2020

The History Department will offer one career development internship for AY 19-20 for a PhD student in good standing. The student intern will work 20 hours per week, receiving compensation as a GSR (Graduate Student Researcher). Remuneration consists of fees and a stipend, equivalent to working as a TA. The department invites proposals from students… Continue Reading Career Development Internship, AY 2019-2020

Call for Volunteers: CDH Steering Committee

The Career Development for Historians Program is seeking graduate students to serve on its Steering Committee, starting in Spring 2019 and continuing for the 2019-2020 school year. The committee will consist of three faculty members and three graduate students who meet once per quarter to discuss and plan History PhD student professional development, internship partnerships,… Continue Reading Call for Volunteers: CDH Steering Committee