International Student TA Forum

The Mellon 5+2 Program is sponsoring a panel and forum for International Student TAs on Thursday, April 11 from 12-1:30pm in HIB 137.  International TAs sometimes face challenges establishing authority in the classroom; encountering new pedagogical set-ups culturally different from home; balancing between “too strict” lecture-teaching styles and “activity-based” learning; and managing culturally insensitive or hostile… Continue Reading International Student TA Forum

“Life Cycle of a Journal Article” Roundtable

Ever wonder what a journal editor does? Or what happens when you submit an article to a journal? Or how to respond to reviewers’ comments when you get them? UCI’s Humanities Commons is hosting “Life Cycle of a Journal Article” on Thursday, March 14, 12:00-1:30 in HG 1341. Speakers include: Vinayak Chaturvedi, editor, Journal of Asian Studies Judy… Continue Reading “Life Cycle of a Journal Article” Roundtable

USC-LA Review of Books Summer Publishing Workshop

USC is hosting the 2019 LA Review of Books Publishing Workshop, running from Sunday, July 7- Friday, July 26, 2019. This is an intensive 3-week publishing workshop designed to provide fellows with inside detailed insight on book, magazine, and online editing and production, digital and print publishing, SEO and audience metrics, and the financial and business… Continue Reading USC-LA Review of Books Summer Publishing Workshop