iMedEd Release Notes 4.3.20

Teach Anywhere Spotlight: Teaching with Zoom

In light of current social distancing efforts and institutional transitions to online teaching due to COVID-19, technology tools have become critical in plans to maintain academic and operational continuity. One tool available through UCI Health is Zoom, a HIPAA compliant video and audio conferencing tool. Zoom can be used to conduct meetings, webinars, and online teaching sessions and accessed from a variety of platforms including mobile devices, desktop computers, and telephones. You can use Zoom to collaborate with colleagues across UCI as well as those externally.

To access UCI Health Zoom, go to:

Teaching with Zoom

Useful Zoom Features

Zoom offers a variety of settings and features to conduct a successful, online teaching session:

Security Considerations

While UCI Health Zoom requires meetings to have a password and locks down certain settings to minimize security issues, it is worthwhile to consider some best practices for securing your teaching sessions:

For more information and tips for hosting a teaching session, visit: UCISOM Teaching with Zoom

For more information on resources to teach anywhere, visit: UCISOM Teach Anywhere

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