iMedEd Release Notes 6.5.20

Teach Anywhere Spotlight: Online Resources for Discussing Racism & Publishing your COVID-19 Related Work

Online Resources for Discussing Racism

Technology enables us to reach broader audiences for teaching and learning. Technology resources offered support in educating us about emergency remote teaching in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Technology resources can also offer support in educating us to the ongoing injustices around diversity and inclusion to help us stand stronger and united against anti-Black racism.

A few online resources that are available include:

Also, in case you missed the announcement this week, the UCI Libraries (with contributions by Matt Flyntz, Research Law Librarian for Instructional Services at the UCI Law Library) shared a new ebook collection, OverDrive: Understanding and Combatting Racism, to support the campus educational role and intellectual discourse on this topic. To access this collection:

  1. Login with your UCInetID to read ebooks online.
  2. Download titles to your device or read on your Kindle or ereader. (Download the OverDrive App on your phone or tablet.)
  3. Borrow up to five books at a time and select either 7 days or 14 days to borrow.
  4. Ebooks will be returned automatically, there is no late fee.

Publishing your COVID-19 Related Work

The Medical Education Scholarship Research and Evaluation (MESRE) Section of the AAMC Group on Education Affairs has published a special COVID-19 edition of their Annotated Bibliography of Journals for Educational Scholarship. Each journal listed in this special edition has either a special call or is accepting COVID-19 related articles. If you would like to share how you are responding to this pandemic through your teaching and medical education research, take a look at this timely resource.

To access this special edition, visit: Special COVID-19 Edition: MESRE Annotated Bibliography.

Annotated Bibliography of Journals for Educational Scholarship

The full MESRE Annotated Bibliography of Journals for Educational Scholarship provides scholars and researchers with detailed information about the topics, types of manuscripts, and audiences for more than 60 journals that publish health professions education manuscripts. The most recent update to the annotated bibliography was completed in 2019.

For more information on resources to teach anywhere, visit: UCISOM Teach Anywhere.

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