You are Invited: (6/4) 12-1pmPT, The moral politics of the e-conomy: Digital payments, populism and the urban poor in India with Pariroo Rattan, Harvard University

You are Invited: (6/4) 12-1pmPT, The moral politics of the e-conomy: Digital payments, populism and the urban poor in India with Pariroo Rattan, Harvard University

June 4, 2024Tuesday, 12:00-1:00pmPTLocation(Hybrid): Social & Behavioral Sciences Gateway (SBSG) #3323Online Zoom registration: Introduced and moderated by Bill Maurer, Anthropology, UCI and Director, IMTFI About the talk:Contemporary politics in India present a puzzle: the last decade has led to

March 19th, The Indebted Woman: Kinship, Sexuality, and Capitalism Book Talk (Zoom webinar), 12-1pmPT

Presentation: The Indebted Woman: Kinship, Sexuality, and Capitalism by Isabelle Guérin, Santosh Kumar, and G. Venkatasubramanian Stanford University PressSEPTEMBER 2023248 PAGESFROM $25.00 Hardcover ISBN: 9781503636316Paperback ISBN: 9781503636903Ebook ISBN: 9781503636910 Register: Introduced and moderated by Bill Maurer, Anthropology, UCI and