Part 2: Looking Forwards
The Metrolink Map

The Law of Pragnanz design strategy is about the eyes ability to turn complex shapes into simplified and easier to understand objects. The shapes above show how the mind automatically simplifies a complicated object by making it look like one distinct object.This design strategy is occurring in the metrolink map above by the viewer’s mind naturally simplifying all of the line shapes as one.

In the map above the design strategy called Legibility is used to display text in as clear a manner as possible.

Figure-Ground Orientation
In the metrolink map above, the Lines are the Figures used to assist users in determining specific metrolink routes. The Ground is the flat white and green areas meant to serve the Figure by giving it a stronger contrast.
Above there is an example of a figure ground. In this case, the black shape is the figure and the ground is the white shape.

In the metrolink map above, the strategy of Color is used to help users differentiate different metrolink map routes.
Color is used to highlight certain aspects of a physical or digital product utilizing the properties of contrast, proximity, balance and value.

The map above utilizes the design strategy called Balance. The style of balance that is used above is called Asymmetrical Balance.

The Balance as a design strategy is a fundamental part of an effective design help to give a sense of stability. Balance can be symmetrical or asymmetrical.


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