Project 2, Part 1 Mapping – Davidson Young

I choose an intersection at San Jose State University that has heavy foot traffic during school days except for Fridays. I decided to observe the forces affecting the campus from this starting point.


SJSU focuses on connecting students to campus through student organizations and activities. They believe that engaged students are more likely to graduate. A few outside spaces make this possible including the 7th street quad where student organizations and campus services. At other locations, the peer advising group was hosting a barbeque and a student group was practicing Quidditch.



Defensible Space

SJSU is an urban campus without physical borders. There have been a number of high profile criminal acts in the last year including a sexual predator and attempted kidnapping. I noticed security cameras and emergency call stations to help keep the community safe.





The primary modes of transportation on campus are cars, bus, foot, and bikes. Also, I noted skateboards, scooters, and Zipcar stations.





Decay and Renewal

A number of buildings at SJSU and the surrounding community are in decay. However, there is a large athletic facility being built and large Engineering facility will be built starting in 2019.



SJSU as a Public Space

The surrounding community uses the open space on campus to walk their dogs. Also, vendors with carts sell snacks to students.


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