For this project, I started at home and I walked outside. I started following the directions that led me on this epic journey. I found myself in places I have never seen in my neighborhood. There were so many different areas of my neighborhood that went unexplored. When I got home I immediately start recording my journey. I had this weird feeling of nostalgia even though I just got back from the walk. The emotions I was feeling during the walk is what was reflected on the drawing. I remember how I felt more clearly over the physical environment that surrounded me. There were certain artifacts and people that stood out. You can see those people and things more predominately in my drawings. These people and artifacts are what invoked that emotion during that certain period of the walk. For example, I drew the kids playing at the park and the loud truck that zoomed past me. I used bright yellow to show the difficulty of walking up a steep hill and then sun and clouds when I was enjoying the view on the downhill section.