Part 1: Ideas
Safe parking:
Orange Coast College has a lot of parking space, all of which is unused once the campus is closed.
Homeless students and their families can have a safe area to park overnight while they are enrolled in courses.
student who do not wish to take courses must enroll in a skill building class, free of charge.
Students will have access to the food bank on campus, and a $25 gas card per term.
Animal Therapy Center:
Mental health issues are on the rise in many academic institutions. Having a center on campus to where students can have access to a trained therapy pets will help students with various conditions, such as anxiety during finals week.
Shelter dogs and cats will be trained to become therapy pets for the center.
Students can check them out similar to a book at the library during the school day to pet them, or take them for a walk.
There would be an additional goal, to educate students about being good pet owners and encourage to adopt a pet.
Voices of the Past:
Orange Coast College was founded in 1947. Over a million students have interacted with the campus in one way shape of another.
Students have been will have opportunities to record audio or video files about any experience that made an impact to them while they were at Orange Coast College. They can share those experiences by linking them to a QR code or any geolocator reference at that location or Item.
Other can learn more about the experiences that happened. There will be anonymity to the content shared, also allowing people to share secrets, or personal struggles, or any stories.
Examples of experiences:
Someone sitting in a classroom van view the faces of all the past students that have sat in the same seat, and listen to their stories and Perhaps build a relationship with the object.
“I asked the universe for a sign, just then I felt dizzy and needed to sit, luckily this green chair had a flat surface and afforded sitting. I received a message from Steve congratulating me that I got into the MHCID program, this chair made it happen, I’ll never look at chairs the same way ever again, specially this one, my precious. If you sit in this chair, know it has your back.”
The experience can be aggregate:
“This is my favorite spot on campus to lay down and take a nap. If you listen carefully, every day at 2:15pm, a horn blows in the distance… I still wonder what that is.”
“I was inspired by someone’s comment about this place, I did some investigating, and found the horn is a bus driver letting the parents know he is here to deliver their kids, I expected something more mysterious. ”
Experiences can invoke curiosity:
“Who ever is sitting here at 4:19pm, on December 6, 2017, expect a close encounters of the third kind.”
“I head about this encounter two years ago, I came to see what it was, and it turned out to be a group of people doing an interpretive dance to the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I took a video. I’ll never see Richard Dreyfuss in the same light.”
Part 2: Two Options
Project 3: Part 2 – Two Options