Strategy: Mapping

The way that controls and their movements or effects (what they do) are related to one another; good mapping results in an easier use experience for the user whereas poor mapping results in poor ease of use.

Example from Universal Principles of Design: Stove tops and Stove Controls; Window Controls in the Car, Segways (pg. 153).

Example from an Online Source: Power seat controls in a vehicle designed to be in the shape of the seat for ease of use and understanding as to which button controls which part of the seat.

Example from Real Life: Poor Mapping Design in my Old Car; the location of the radio display high on the dashboard and the location of the radio controls located below the center console near the center armrest of the car behind the car’s gearshift knob and parking brake. There is no mapped relation between the radio display itself and the radio controls.

2 Replies to “Strategy: Mapping”

  1. Hi Youngri,

    I think your example of the oculus touch controller does a great job of exemplifying this principal as well. Your mention of your son being able to use the controls of the seat as well as a great example since he is still very young! I was thinking about the seat example and how they are also easy to operate without looking at them because of the shape, which makes using them while seated much easier than if they were not designed this way.

  2. Is there a more important strategy in the design with physical elements? It seems it is the most crucial strategy which helps users perceive physical factors and functions.

    The two examples you have found help me understand this strategy. In particular, the power seat controls in a vehicle is a good example; design should provide to understand easily without prior learning, and I have experienced my child efficiently use this feature (precisely similar example).

    In the Virtual Reality domain, this strategy is essential. I assume when users operate an input device with a VR device, they should be able to feel the same as real world.

    Oculus Touch Controllers:

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